Low friction butterfly valve for easy transportation of water


VALVE, meterbox and water fitting specialist Talis is showcasing a new butterfly valve. The Erhard Roco has apparently been designed for smooth and easy moving transportation of valuable water.

The product has a curved design and a compressed, bearing and sealed part to ensure the safe and reliable protection of sensitive commodities, such as drinking water. A valve disc feature with optimised flow performance reduces the chance of pressure loss through leakage, according to the company, helping to reduce costs for specifiers and contractors.
The valve is also said to be easy to use as it can be securely sealed in place, so there is less chance of water leakage. Plus, it has been designed to open and close with low friction, making it more durable.
While the curved shape of butterfly valves make them ideal for seamless opening and closing without resistance, the addition of the slider crank mechanism ultimately reduces the force required to actuate the valve throughout the range of travel.