Hydro International is launching the Hydro-Brake® Agile flow control, which marks “a significant new opportunity for highly-efficient surface water attenuation with the lowest-possible flood storage volumes to meet stringent planning and Sustainable Drainage Systems (SuDS) requirements”, according to the firm.
Described as simple, cost-effective and easy-to-install, the float-activated Hydro-Brake® Agile extends the Hydro-Brake® Flow Control Series, a versatile toolbox of precision-engineered flow controls said to suit every project and budget.
Hydro’s literature says that the Hydro-Brake® Agile meets stringent stipulations for surface water discharge rates and can be engineered to achieve the lowest-possible flood storage. It can therefore help developers meet strict planning requirements and ensure acceptance by adopting authorities, while reducing land take and construction costs.
“The Hydro-Brake® Agile achieves a constant rate of discharge and therefore the lowest possible upstream storage volumes,” says Phil Collins, Stormwater Sales and Marketing Manager UK and Ireland. “It is ideal for new developments, watercourse flood alleviation or highways projects with stringent discharge requirements, where the space available for flood storage is very limited.
“Minimising flood storage above ground avoids the use of valuable building land and minimising flood storage below ground helps solve space limitations in underground tanks or pipework. It also keeps contracting and equipment costs as low as possible.
“As the cost of a flow control is a small proportion of total project costs, an investment in a precision-engineered device can result in considerable savings, especially where space is at a premium.”
The unit’s automatic operation and predictable, repeatable performance ensure that maintenance costs are minimal. The Hydro-Brake® Agile reduces the long-term management burden by providing a predictable schedule for site management companies or adopting authorities.
Designing an effective system using Hydro-Brake® Agile is easy using Hydro International’s free technical and design support service. Professional engineers are available to provide advice on sizing, flow and storage calculations, as well as assisting with dimensioned installation drawings.
How it works
The Hydro-Brake® Agile comprises an orifice plate with a variable open area regulated by a float-arm operated gate to deliver a constant discharge rate over a wide range of heads. The discharge rate is adjustable to match the discharge requirements for the site.
Discharge through the open gate at low flows is unimpeded. During a storm, the float arm closes the gate until the maximum water level and discharge rate is reached for a designated event, so that the gate is prevented from closing further, despite any increases in head.
The maximum discharge rate is maintained while upstream storage is drained down rapidly, ensuring the unit is ready for subsequent storm events, until the float returns to the resting position with the gate fully open. The Hydro-Brake® Agile is easily adjustable to accommodate changes in operating conditions.
Manufactured from high-grade stainless steel, the Hydro-Brake® Agile Flow Control can be matched to a range of outlet pipe sizes. The unit can be supplied prefitted in a cast concrete chamber for easy on-site installation. To suit the location and invert required, the chamber depth can be easily varied with concrete rings.
The Hydro-Brake® Flow Control Series is presented as a versatile toolbox of precision-engineered devices for surface water control: Hydro-Brake® Agile; Hydro-Brake® Flood Alleviation; Hydro-Brake® Optimum; Hydro-Brake® Orifice.