Rapid sewer assessment tool

MeasurIT Technologies is pleased to announce the launch of a groundbreaking acoustic sewer inspection tool – the SL-RAT™ – which provides rapid sewer assessment with no confined space entry.

This is an exciting, proven US technology for sewer line maintenance with over 1 million metres inspected to date. The SL-RAT™ is highly portable and provides blockage assessment in under 3 minutes, with no flow contact and results available immediately. This allows you to quickly and easily determine where to send a CCTV or cleaning crew and so prioritise resource allocation for maintenance or repairs. Key features include the ability to quickly find blockages in networks, and to inspect over 3000 metres/day. It is 1/10th – 1/20th the cost of CCTV, offers no-flow contact/confined space entry, and is highly portable and easy to operate. Contact the firm to arrange a demonstration within a 15 minute traffic stop.
