MSE Systems says it has become a trusted partner in the supply of complete water treatment plants to the UK food and beverage sector.
This is an industry relying heavily upon water treatment to reduce effluent disposal costs. Of great help here have been modern Membrane Bio Reactor (MBR) technologies, such as Mitsubishi’s hollow fibre membranes. These provide compact, high performance treatment plants, which are highly automated and easy to operate.
Modern remote access systems with data acquisition and real time monitoring allow plant operators to be in total control of their plants 24/7. Recent MBR installations where MSE Systems has acted as the trusted partner include a number of sites for the food manufacturer Branston, covering activities such as potato washing, packing and processing.
The cleaning and packing of potatoes has a high water usage. Branston needed a safe method to recycle the water. The process of recycling the wash water is complex as the water has to be purged not only of the inevitable soil content but also of the nitrogen and phosphorus from fertilisers and from organic contamination.
Branston announced: “By working with several local agencies, we have successfully created a water recycling unit which, after just a few months of being up and running, is reducing our mains water usage by an incredible 52%.”
Indeed up to 90% of water at the South West site is now recycled, with any excess waste being safe to discharge off site.