Remote-controlled boat helps monitor sediment build-up, says Thames Water

It may look like a fun summer holiday activity but Thames Water says there’s scientific logic behind its use of a remote controlled speed boat.

The boat, which is being deployed across a number of reservoirs, is providing increasingly accurate depth readings, according to the utility, allowing teams across the company’s region to calculate the build-up of sediment in water storage tanks.

Performance manager Maggie Balls said: “One of our most important tasks is to proactively monitor the build-up of sediment in our tanks. If there’s too much, it can clog up our pipework and prevent us from putting extra water into our pipes.”

How it works
The boat – a collaboration between the utility and HR Wallingford – is fitted with echo-sounder technology, which works by transmitting sound pulses into the water. The time interval between the emission and return of a pulse is recorded and used to work out the depth of water.

“There are also clear health and safety benefits too,” says Maggie. “There is no longer a need for me to send some of my team out on a boat, armed with measuring poles.”

Thames Water says the initiative also allows for teams to better plan when they need to physically intervene to clear out the water holding tanks, ensuring there are no hold-ups in putting more water into the network to ensure a constant supply for customers.