Key terms tightened to tackle threat from unapproved agents
The UK Asbestos Training Association (UKATA) says it has overhauled its rules of membership to counter a threat from sub-standard service providers. “As UKATA membership grew to be the recognised badge of excellence in asbestos training,” says a release from the group, “unscrupulous agents attempted to claim a standard to which they have no right. UKATA therefore initiated a major review, to give bona fide members clear guidelines and make it harder for others to claim bogus UKATA status.”
“The time is right to protect the reputation of UKATA, our membership and values,” said UKATA General Manager Craig Evans. “UKATA membership is a hard earned status and it is not surprising those who cannot make the grade try to claim that to which they have no right. UKATA demands the highest standards and the team is working tirelessly to protect the Association from such threats. These new rule changes are designed to make false claims of UKATA membership harder to get away with.”
The Code of Conduct is now incorporated into the UKATA rules of membership and the renewal process has been brought forward two months before the expiry date, so training not compliant with course syllabi cannot be offered. The new brand protection clauses ensure only those eligible benefit from the UKATA brand. Some members make legitimate use of third parties to advertise courses, but the new rules say members must control such relationships and a specific fee now covers compliance administration.
“The UKATA brand carries a high standard of credibility and it is in member interest to see this robustly defended,” added Craig. “UKATA members can be proud of their achievement in meeting the standards for membership and we have a duty to uphold that. We expect much from members, and the new rules are for their protection and to ensure those buying UKATA backed training do so with confidence. Not all use third parties, so the cost of compliance falls on those using such services. Importantly, UKATA now has the power to see this is run correctly and enhance the standing of UKATA membership for all.”
UKATA is said to be the leading authority for asbestos training provision in the United Kingdom. Tasked by the HSE in 2008 to manage the licensed asbestos training providers, UKATA currently has over 180 member organisations from all corners of the UK. For further information, visit www.ukata.org.uk.