Hungarian wastewater treatment firm Organica Water is to supply its Food Chain Reactor (FCR) solution for a turn-key project to provide wastewater treatment for a high-profile shopping centre in Russia.
The solution will be built by partner firm Nijhuis Industries and will treat 1,000 m3/day of wastewater “to very strict standards for pristine river water discharge.”
Organica FCR Solution – which will form the heart of the solution – is odourless, an important factor enabling the concept. The new wastewater treatment plant will appear as a botanical garden to ensure seamless integration within the mall complex, including a visitor’s centre that is open to the public.
The pre-treatment solution will leverage Nijhuis’ screening and Dissolved Air Flotation units and will remove the large particles from the wastewater prior to entering the Organica FCR. After the secondary treatment through the FCR – the core of the biological process – Nijhuis CarboPure and Ultra Violet disinfection units will polish the effluent further to meet the stringent Russian discharge requirements. The excess sludge will be treated with a Nijhuis Drum Filter and Screw Press.
Organica Water says it has developed a highly imaginative approach to wastewater treatment for urban areas. “Our facilities utilize active biofilms on natural (plant) and/or engineered root structures, all housed in a fully-enclosed, odourless facility,” says a press release.
Following primary treatment, the influent travels through the biological cascade, and in doing so the nutrient content is consumed by biofilm cultures that live on both the engineered (Organica’s proprietary biofiber media) and natural (plant roots) media in each reactor.
As a result of the cascade design the composition of the ecosystem fixed in the biofilm changes from reactor to reactor, adapting itself to the decreasing nutrient concentrations, maximizing the decomposition of contaminants and enabling Organica FCR WWTPs to treat wastewater with the least amount of space and energy usage.