Two new prizes were awarded on 21 March at Cleantech Innovate 2018, the event that aims to provide a showcase of game-changing clean technologies.
Flint Engineering won the first ‘Game-Changer’ prize for its innovative heat mat technology, a novel and efficient version of heatpipe technology, made not as a single pipe but as a complete flat surface. Thanks to its isothermic characteristics, the heat mat has the ability to transfer heat energy very quickly and very efficiently, making it suitable for a wide array of applications, many of which are associated with improving efficiency and reducing carbon emissions.
The Game-Changer prize recognises the entrepreneur with the technology with the greatest potential to have a revolutionary impact on reducing greenhouse gas emissions and/or improving resource use worldwide. The prize was judged by the Cleantech Innovate Selection Committee according to the following criteria:
– The potential value of the business idea
– The novelty of the innovation
– The feasibility of the business plan
– Why that particular business is best placed to deliver the innovation to market.
Mark Robinson, Director at Flint Engineering, said upon receiving the Game-Changer prize:
“It’s a validation of the work that we’ve been doing for the last four or five years. We’ve been developing this technology, which has many different applications, and I think winning this sort of award makes all the hard work worthwhile – it validates the technology, which will hopefully be recognised by our future partners.”
Michael Ruggier, Chief Executive of GameChanger Technologies Ltd and lead judge for the prize, said:
“We really do need game-changing technologies, and that’s not just a 10, 20, or 30% improvement compared to what’s out there now, but 10, 20, or 30 times improvement. Those are the kinds of technologies we urgently need; Flint Engineering could, for example, potentially eliminate the need for fossil fuels for both heating and for hot water in residential homes in Europe, which is why it is potentially game-changing.”
A prize was also awarded to RAB-Microfluidics for Best Pitch, which was awarded to the entrepreneur delivering the most convincing and inspiring pitch to investors at the event. The prize was voted for by the event’s delegates on the day. RAB-Microfluidics develop cutting-edge microfluidic technology to solve oil analysis problems.
Rotimi Alabi, Founder and Managing Director of RAB-Microfluidics, said upon receiving the prize:
“Winning ‘Best Pitch’ is a validation of us delivering our message to the general public and to stakeholders. We have tried to simplify our message, which is predictive maintenance by analysing lubricating oil, and we were delighted that people get that message and have voted for us for pitch of the day.
“Cleantech Innovate was a fantastic opportunity to meet with stakeholders, investors, like-minded businesses, mentors, and others who can help you to grow your company. It was a fantastic platform and we got exactly what we were expecting from the event.”
The full list of finalists for the two prizes can be seen here.