Correctly sizing, installing and maintaining kitchen grease traps is key to improving the health of the UK’s sewer network. That is the view of the Grease Contractors Association (GCA), an initiative centred on best practice for the specification, installation and maintenance of grease traps and management systems.
GCA co-chairman Edward Palin said, “The arrival of monster fatbergs has put grease on the agenda as people can see the damage they cause and the costs to clear them. What is not clear to restaurant operators is how to correctly size and maintain grease traps to satisfy the water utilities and regulations.
“It is also the case that there are varying practices in the industry around what to do with grease waste.”
The Grease Contractors Association, which is administered by industry trade association British Water, has been three years in the making. It is a collaboration of seven of the largest operators in the grease trap maintenance sector who have pooled industry knowledge and best practice to create a code of practice for the sizing, installation and maintenance of grease traps.
Each member of the GCA has been independently audited by British Water to check process standards for installation, maintenance and waste handling practices amongst others. The audit is then carried out on a regular basis to ensure standards are maintained.
The GCA is now recruiting members and wants to sign up all contractors involved in the maintenance of grease traps. “The more contractors we have working to the high standards that have been set, the more effective the UK’s grease management equipment will be,” said Palin.
Seeking new members
The GCA is hosting a recruitment day on the 4 July 2018 in Rugby. If you would be interested in joining and finding out more please email gca@britishwater.co.uk.
The GCA is an initiative in association with British Water. For more information, visit
www.greasecontractors.org or www.britishwater.co.uk/gca.aspx or email gca@britishwater.co.uk.