The Ultra Sep 325 Dual Separation Mobile Screening Unit
Screening, dewatering and separation equipment manufacturer DBS Processing has released what it says is the firm’s most advanced mobile screening unit to date, providing customers with extra efficiency and an instant and significant reduction in both initial investment and ongoing operational costs.
Managing Director Steven Garcia said, “With the rising cost of disposing waste material in the industry, we have designed and produced the very best in mobile screening machinery, aimed at providing our customers with an all in one, versatile, compact and mobile machine. At DBS we are dedicated to offer the best solutions at the lowest price possible.”
With its “plug and play” design along with the ability to efficiently separate liquids and solids ranging in size from 40mm to 63 microns the Ultra Sep 325 is said to be a versatile solution, “giving you a fast, inexpensive, temporary or permanent solution to your waste water processing needs.” DBS says the unit is easily transportable using a hook lift vehicle, and can be moved straightforwardly between sites and set up simply.
The Ultra Sep 325 is practical from start to finish, says DBS. Applications include: Rag and Grit removal from sludge; pre-screen prior to centrifuge; post-digester screen; screen for river dredging; digester and lagoon cleaning; mobile dual sand plant; tanker waste dewatering screen; solids removal from waste water screen; and many other wastewater treatment applications.
Some of the technical specs: Maximum capacity is 60,000l/h, water requirement is 0-8,000l/hr, power requirements are 40 kw, fine screening area is 3.2m x 0.6m, coarse screening area is 3.2 x 0.6m, dry weight 8t, 4” Bauer coupling inlet pipe, 6” Bauer coupling outlet pipe and polyurethane screening media.