Specialist odour consultancy Silsoe Odours has been awarded UKAS accreditation for its odour sampling, giving its customers full confidence that sampling results will meet the requirements of European Standard BS EN13725:2003.
“Quality is always at the heart of what we do and UKAS accreditation is a well deserved reflection of our drive for continuous excellence,” commented the firm’s Technical Manager James Sneath in a recent blog post.
To begin with, a UKAS assessor joined the firm at two locations, in Tempsford and Bedford, to witness the team conduct an odour emission survey. “Our thanks go to Biogen and Anglian Water for their support in providing sites for these assessment visits.”
“As part of these surveys, we collect odour samples in accordance with the European Standard BSEN 13725:2003. We then transfer the odour samples from their source and transport to our (already UKAS-accredited!) laboratory for olfactometry analysis.”
UKAS is the UK’s National Accreditation Body, responsible for determining, in the public interest, the technical competence and integrity of organisations such as those offering testing, calibration and certification services.