Recycling water used for washing


“Do you use a lot of water to wash your products?” asks water and effluent treatment firm H+E.

Often, in such cases, huge volumes of water are discharged simply because it contains solids from the washing process and therefore cannot be re-used.

H+E says it can provide a range of sand filters to remove those solids and allow you to then recycle at least part of that water.

The firm’s TOVEKO sand filters have been used for many years, proving their reliability in the long term. Their features are listed as follows:

• They are gravity filters. You feed the wastewater into them (either pumped or by gravity). The water then flows through and discharges by gravity.

• They are 2.85m high and therefore normally fit inside your factory with ease.

• They wash the collected solids from the filter bed while they are in use. So, you do not need a standby filter!

• They use a small portion of the filtered water to help wash the solids from the dirty filter sand. Typically, this is about 5% of the flow into the filter and contains all of the solids that have been filtered from the wastewater.

• They are fully assembled in H+E’s factory so that, following delivery to a customer’s site, they need to be connected to the necessary services, filled with filter sand, and are then ready to start operating.

• They are available in polypropylene plastic and are therefore highly corrosion resistant.

• Filter operation starts and stops automatically as the incoming flow starts and stops.

H+E says it would be very happy to discuss individual customer’s requirements, and explain why it believes its TOVEKO filters can help firms to recycle the water they use and therefore reduce their operating costs significantly.

H+E has offices in England and Scotland.