RRC is proud to announce the launch of two new IEMA sustainability courses: “Sustainability Skills for the Workforce”, and “Sustainability Skills for Managers.”
The group is a well established health and safety and environmental management training provider, with over 90 years experience of delivering high quality training worldwide.
With environmental issues at the forefront of media attention, and economic uncertainty looming, businesses must adopt sustainable approaches. These courses equip the workforce and managers with the essential knowledge needed to effectively adapt. IEMA research shows that leading businesses recognise real benefits from embedding and developing sustainability approach (see IEMA’s document “Beyond the Perfect Storm”, published 2016).
According to this IEMA report on corporate sustainability, 17% of companies surveyed have no policy at all in regards to sustainable procurement. These new IEMA sustainability skills courses will provide your workforce with the necessary knowledge to drive your business forward, says RRC.
The IEMA sustainability skills for the workforce course features key learning outcomes such as: identifying how organisations impact the environment, and the benefits of good environmental practice, and acquiring knowledge of the main environmental and economic risks and opportunities.
The IEMA sustainability skills for managers course targets senior members of staff who hold responsibility for environmental management. The course consists of learning outcomes such as: stating the purpose of environmental legislation and describing potential consequences of organisations causing pollution.
These courses are available via online study and In-Company delivery. Gary Fallaize, RRC Managing Director commented: ‘’During a time where sustainability is of the utmost importance, these courses will be brilliant for providing staff with the necessary skills for future progression.’’
For further information on these courses: 0208 944 3100 / info@rrc.co.uk / www.rrc.co.uk