Environmental risk reduction specialist Adler and Allan has partnered with the National Chemical Emergency Centre (NCEC) to provide training for its employees to deal with hazardous material incidents. The training is said to be equal to that given to emergency responders from the fire and rescue service.
The company has invested £100,000 in NCEC hazardous materials first responder and hazardous materials tactical advisor training for a number of its employees with some going on to complete an incident site controller course at the same level as the fire and rescue service.
Adler and Allan says the investment means it can provide nationwide 24/7 365 control of a hazardous materials incident safely and compliantly.
The three-week training course consists of theoretical sessions including chemistry, incident scene management and an understanding of the United Nation’s Classification of Hazardous Materials. “This is combined with practical scenarios delivered at world-class training facilities,” said a press release, “to ensure that clients receive confident and competent responders who can reduce the amount of damage to the organisations people, the environment, assets and reputation.”
The incident site controller qualification trains attendees to manage operations in coordination with the emergency services in category one- and two-level hazardous materials incidents.
The training is seemingly designed to support anyone providing information about, or attending chemical incidents, and addresses the need to make a rapid, relevant, and reliable response to requests for chemical information from the emergency services.
Henrik Pedersen, Group Managing Director, Adler and Allan, said: “The training supplements our already extensive experience from DGSA, ADR, COTC and qualified chemists. We are trusted response partners for local Government, the fire brigade, and the police. This investment ensures our responders will be best placed in the industry to provide a confident, competent and professional response to hazardous materials incidents.”
The training was apparently put into use recently when Adler and Allan led the environmental response at a site in Llangennech, Wales where a 25-wagon freight train derailed and caught fire releasing 330,000 litres of diesel into the surrounding area.
All training has been exclusively developed by NCEC as part of its newly launched Hazmat Academy in conjunction with Responsible Care experts from the Chemical Industries Association, the Chemical Business Association, leading hazardous materials specialists from the police, and fire and rescue services, and is accredited by The International Organisation for Industrial Emergency Services Management (JOIFF).
For more information on Adler and Allan response services visit: https://www.adlerandallan.co.uk/emergency-response/.