Turmec converts recyclables into high quality resources

This article contains paid for content produced in collaboration with Turmec.

Turmec writes: Turmec, headquartered in Co Meath, Ireland, has established itself as a leader in developing cutting-edge, highly automated recycling processes. Our innovative solutions are meticulously crafted to achieve impressive tonnage throughput, exceptional recovery rates, and unmatched purity of recyclates, all while minimizing the necessity for manual intervention.
Presently, we are in the process of commissioning the world’s largest integrated Construction & Demolition (C&D) plant, situated just 12 km from Brisbane Central Business District. This ambitious project is under the ownership and operation of Rino Recycling, who entrusted Turmec to create and construct a 475-ton-per-hour construction and demolition (C&D) processing plant. Another Irish company, CDE, was commissioned to provide the wash line for this facility.

The facility not only symbolizes significant technological progress but also serves as a model for responsible waste management. The sheer scale of this undertaking is truly awe-inspiring, with its interior space equating to the size of 20 Olympic-sized swimming pools. This grand scale reflects the immense dedication of resources and effort put into creating this center of sustainability. The plant’s design is optimised to convert recyclables into high-quality resources. It is producing sand, fill, road base, and aggregate materials – all of which will re-enter the construction cycle in a variety of projects, ranging from like Olympic stadia to major road construction. In essence, this plant’s design exemplifies the idea that waste isn’t the end of the line but rather a raw material for the next generation of sustainable construction. For More information check out www.turmec.com.