Home energy upgrade scheme launches in Brighton


Sussex-based enterprise Onezero Energy is bringing its innovative home energy upgrade service to Brighton, with the aim to sign up 1,000 homes to the scheme and create a community-owned power station. This follows its rollout in Lewes in October 2023 where a number of homes have already been upgraded, including one full electrification which is nearing completion.

Homeowners that sign up to Onezero will be guided through what is possible for an energy upgrade of their property, from determining the best technology available to reduce carbon emissions through to procuring trained local tradespeople to undertake installation. The company provides a comprehensive service to upgrade homes with a package of energy improvements, including solar panels, batteries, insulation, and heat pumps, which can be installed in as little as two weeks.

To kick off their Brighton campaign, Onezero Energy are holding a launch party on the evening of Friday 14th June at the Plus X Innovation building. Limited to 200 free tickets, the event is a chance to find out more about how the scheme works, what’s in it for homeowners, and, perhaps most importantly, the benefits of making the city’s buildings more energy efficient.

Howard Johns, Founder of Onezero Energy and well-known advocate for the UK renewables industry, explains how the scheme works: “One of the biggest things you can do to reduce your impact on the planet’s climate is improve the energy efficiency of your home. Onezero was set up to help homeowners gain the financial, health and environmental benefits of doing just this.

“Our energy upgrade scheme simplifies the process, providing pre-packaged systems that fit a wide variety of homes, all delivered within a swift two-week installation period! These systems can cut carbon emissions by up to 70% and reduce household energy bills by over 50%. But many homeowners would like expert advice and support and that is where we come in.”

Onezero Energy is sourcing its installers from the pool of existing local tradespeople, supporting them to upskill where necessary and linking them up with the projects. Onezero is currently celebrating its first ‘100kW heroes’ – regional tradespeople who have installed 100kW of solar power as part of the upgrade scheme in just five months.

The response so far to Onezero’ Energy has been incredibly positive, as communities collaborate on home energy upgrades. The company’s ultimate aim is to revolutionise home power in Brighton, creating 1,000 properties powered by renewable energy that together create a community owned virtual power plant selling its excess energy back to the grid for a profit.

Onezero Energy is inviting Brighton’s homeowners to come along to the launch party to find out more about the benefits of home energy upgrades and being part of the energy revolution.

Get your free tickets for the Brighton launch event at 7pm on 14th June here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/onezero-energy-brighton-community-launch-tickets-907501460297 (limited spaces available)

Find out more about OneZero Energy and the Brighton energy scheme here: https://www.onezero.energy/brightonlaunch