Heat exchangers used on Zero Liquid Discharge system
Sponsored content: Zero liquid discharge (ZLD) treats liquid waste streams, converting them into clean water (which can be reused) and a minimum volume of solid residues...
Circular transmission fluid claimed as Formula E racing first
In what's been hailed as a Formula E racing first, Jaguar TCS Racing have successfully used a more circular transmission fluid in their race...
Recyclability tool for fibre-based packaging launches in UK
A new tool promises to remove much of the uncertainty faced by packaging designers and others when it comes to understanding the recyclability of...
Cambridgeshire and Peterborough residents encouraged to recycle their metal packaging
A new campaign promoting metal packaging recycling has been introduced by RECAP, the waste partnership between Cambridgeshire and Peterborough. In a bid to improve...
Used coffee pods can be recycled to produce filaments for 3D printing
The plastic in used coffee pods can be recycled to make filament for 3D printers, according to British and Brazilian researchers who claim to...
120k tonnes of plastics available for recycling from UK HWRCs
Plastics resource efficiency and recycling charity, RECOUP, has released its 2023 Plastics Management and Recycling at Household Waste Recycling Centres (HWRCs) in the UK...
No butts: Time to eradicate litter item as research clarifies toxic cargo
Cigarette filters are the world’s most common form of litter. New research appears to show that the filters leak thousands of toxins and plastic...
Scottish seaweed sparks idea to boost electric vehicle batteries
Materials from Scottish-grown seaweed could help to improve the life-span and charge time of lithium-ion batteries used for the likes of electric vehicles, with...
Reusable takeaway packaging trial gets underway in Central London
From 18 April, Uber Eats customers in Central London have been given the option to order their takeaway in reusable containers and easily return...
Tool aims to improve the assessment of chemical persistence in the environment
Consultancy firm Ricardo has developed a seemingly first of its kind Persistence Assessment Tool to provide manufacturers and importers of chemical substances and products,...
Mattress recyclers register launches
The seemingly long-awaited Register of Approved Mattress Recyclers (RAMR) is finally up and running, with an initial three members. It has been set up...
Roadmap aims to increase aerosol recycling
Aluminium recycling trade group Alupro officially launched its “Roadmap to increasing UK aerosol recycling” at an event in Leeds on 19 April.
The document attempts...
Reusable cups scheme arrives in the Highlands
A new reusable cup scheme, Cup Movement® in the Highlands, was launched by environmental charity Keep Scotland Beautiful, on 20 April.
Says the charity: "Around...
Mixed waste processing technology begins trial in Seattle
Innovative waste processing technology Juno began processing waste from a municipality in Seattle in February, part of a 12-week mixed waste processing pilot project.
Firm appointed by EA to research PFAS from landfill
The EA's PFAS Risk Screening Project will undertake assessments which may inform future regulatory measures, and it has appointed professional services firm GHD to...
Vape producers in the UK failing to meet environmental regulations
Sales of disposable single-use vapes are now around 138 million per annum*
For all the disposable single-use vapes sold in the UK...
Coalition to drive recycling of broken wind turbine parts
Tens of billions of pounds could be generated for the UK economy from the re-use, refurbishment and re-engineering of broken wind turbine parts, according...
Remanufacturing lighting
Nigel Harvie, CEO of Recolight, discusses the uptake of remanufacturing lighting equipment
EU Digital Product Passports aim to track items through the product life-cycle
What are Digital Product Passports and should we care? Elena Rotzokou of environmental data specialist Ecoveritas attempts to explain the initiative.
The unprecedented quantity of...
Export altercation: Recycling trade association pique at EA remarks
The Recycling Association has slammed as "nonsense" comments made by the head of the Environment Agency which seemed to question the legitimacy of exports...