New fish & eel passes help more species to migrate upstream

The project at Hardham weir involved the design and installation of a fish pass on a section of the weir and an eel /...

Oil-free is good for water

PISTON compressors - as used in water treatment - have been given a fresh face with the new oil-free PO series from BOGE, according...
water, environment

River clean-up gets “seal” of approval (b’dum-tish!)

A seal found 17 miles inland from the coast in late December is proof the River Mersey is clean, according to United Utilities, which...
Recent restoration work on the River Welland: Before (above) and after (below).

Restoring a “river ecosystem”

THE River Welland in Market Harborough has been the focus of recent restoration work, with an environmental project led by the University of Leicester...

Installing a penstock sluice structure in a flooded river

AS part of its framework contract with the Environment Agency (EA), ECS Engineering Services has recently completed the installation of a new three-gate sluice...

Protecting water quality while dredging the Somerset levels

A special monitoring system is helping protect water quality on the Somerset Levels and Moors where a major dredging operation is under way following...