MP meets stakeholders to discuss flooding and AI

Sheffield based Environmental Monitoring Solutions recently hosted a session between North East Derbyshire MP, Lee Rowley, and water industry stakeholders to present the...

Peers sought to build urban resilience platform

A new peer-to-peer platform is helping municipalities and water utilities find reliable innovative solutions to their infrastructure resilience challenges, according to the firm behind...
Flooded streets in Ho Chi Minh City

Governments should prepare for 3m sea-level rise by 2100, says IMechE

Governments around the world must step up their preparations for a minimum sea level rise of 1 metre this century and be planning for up to 3 metres, according to a report released by the Institution of Mechanical Engineers (IMechE) in November.
eDNA sampling

REDEEMing pumping stations for eels

Dr Jon Bolland of the University of Hull's International Fisheries Institute (HIFI) discusses a new project that aims to make pumping equipment more amenable to aquatic life

98% of Unblocktober participants ‘optimistic’ their habits have changed for the long-term

The world’s first awareness month aimed at protecting the UK’s sewers and seas - 'Unblocktober' - has been hailed "a major success", say the...

Flood systems reduce engineer call out

Jetchem Systems has teamed up with United Utilities and Amey to produce two new systems designed to aid in the prevention of flooding

Climate change is affecting the way Europe floods, experts warn

Climate change is disrupting the rhythms of spring growing and river flooding across Europe, which could pose new problems for biodiversity and food security...

Met Office and EA mark 10-year anniversary of The Flood Forecasting Centre (FFC)

On 4 October the Met Office and the Environment Agency marked a 10-year partnership which "has saved lives, livelihoods, and protected infrastructure." The Flood Forecasting...

Noise correlation technology delivers major leak reduction

A project jointly undertaken by Anglian Water and leak detection expert Primayer has seemingly seen leakage reduction of 1.4 million litres of water per...

Research heralds ‘step change’ in water jet injury care

Medical research commissioned by the Water Jetting Association has led to the publication of the most comprehensive guidance ever created for the management of high-pressure fluid injection injuries

Sustainable drainage innovation installed on the M56

THE FIRST installation of SDS Aqua-XchangeTM, the sustainable drainage innovation which turns roadside filter drains into treatment devices that protect the water environment from...

Government is “passing water pollution buck to the car industry”, experts warn

The Government acknowledged the serious and growing impacts of poisonous particle pollution from brake, tyre and road surface wear on the environment and human...

More planning applications held up by sustainable drainage design in England than in Wales

Planning applications are twice as likely to be blocked or delayed due to sustainable drainage system (SuDS) design in England than in Wales, according...

Noise logger trial pinpoints 115 leaks

A technology trial involving installation of 295 Enigma3m remote correlating noise loggers in a water distribution network in the State of Johor, Malaysia, has successfully cut net night flow by a third. Yoo Sun Chan, general manager, Primayer Sdn Bhd, and Roger Ironmonger, managing director, Primaryer, explain how the work was carried out .

London facing water crisis, warns new report

London is facing a water crisis, according to a new report from Labour’s London Assembly Environment Spokesperson, Leonie Cooper (Assembly Member for Merton and...

Project aims to better understand benefits of eco-friendly flood schemes

The economic and environmental benefits of natural flood defences will be explored in a £467,000 University of Stirling-led project. Researchers, led by Environmental Economist Dr...

Cardiff school development manages surface water runoff challenges

The first UK deployment of a new water treatment technology has helped a super-school development in Cardiff achieve a 'gold standard' in environmental protection

Costs concern with latest urban drainage design guidelines

With the introduction of Sewers for Adoption 8 later this year, pumps expert Xylem is urging housebuilders and developers to further analyse the Sewers for Adoption process, which may be unnecessarily costing them thousands of pounds in outstanding bonds .

Acquisition aims to accelerate growth of flood-related digital services

Engineering and consultancy firm Royal HaskoningDHV has acquired Ambiental, a UK-based provider of actionable intelligence from data to protect people, property and capital from...

Environment Agency awards remote camera framework deal

The EA has awarded a multi-year contract worth up to £2 million to Meteor Communications for the supply of up to 800 remote camera systems .