A portable FTIR gas analyser that allows field measurement of literally thousands of gases was launched recently by Gasmet Technologies Oy of Finland.
The DX4040 is the second generation of “the world’s first truly portable FTIR analyser” which brought laboratory grade gas analysis into the field and subsequently brought the benefits of multiparameter FTIR gas analysis to monitoring applications involving industrial safety, soil gas and contaminated land, toxic industrial chemicals, chemical warfare agents and others.
The new instrument is said to be easier to use and more flexible than its predecessor. However, Gasmet CEO Mikko Suuntala added: “The most important development lies in the ability of the device to identify unknown gases in the field – at the touch of one button – when using a new version of the unit’s Calcmet software on a Windows tablet PC.”

The unknown gas identification capability can be retrospectively applied to previous DX4030 analysers when using the new software and a tablet PC. The Calcmet Pro software makes it possible to retrospectively identify almost any gas from the recorded spectra. For those users investigating known species the unit can be used with a handheld Bluetooth PDA running Calcmet Lite and incorporating a 3G modem, camera and GPS so that time and location are assigned to each analysis. Using the DX4040 with a PDA is a popular choice because it enables the simultaneous display, in almost real-time, of up to 25 gases, said Gasmet.
Suuntala went on: “This instrument is unique. It is able to identify both organic and inorganic compounds, whilst also storing sample spectra for post-measurement analysis using a chemical library of over 5,000 compounds.”
There are no sensors that might need future replacement and operation is extremely easy; no sample preparation is required and calibration is simply a zero check with nitrogen or air.”
Meanwhile Quantitech Ltd has announced that the DX4040 is now available for hire with the instruments configured on each rental to meet a customer’s specific gas monitoring needs. The company said: “The DX4040 has brought laboratory grade gas analysis into the field and the availability of a rental system means that even those with a limited budget or a short term requirement can have access to the best technology.”