For closed loop heating and cooling systems BSRIA BG 29/2021 recommends that side stream filtration units should be controlled, with at least 5% circulating water being diverted through the side streaam filter. They should be easily maintained and fitted with a pressure differential monitor – with BMS connectivity where possible.
The X-POT Compliance Pack is readily available through a nationwide network of distribution partners, providing:
• Control – our easily commissionable pre-settable PICV removing the complexity of
many PICVs on the market.
• Maintainable – our industry leading X-POT side stream filter allows for quick and easy maintenance without affecting system operation.
• Monitored – our updated PD monitor features MODBUS connectivity allowing you to monitor your X-POT installations via your BMS system, as well as locally.
• Energy efficiency – our pre-settable PICVs come standard with our custom insulation jackets.
• Selections made simple – our Compliance Packs have been matched to the performance of our X-POT side stream filtration range, simply choose your X-POT and match your compliance pack.
Further information can be found at