Sponsored Content: Growth in gas sensing

Portable gas detector

Since its formation OBW Technologies has rapidly grown to become a leading supplier of gas detection equipment. The firm provides calibration and services in Ireland and the UK, and is now the largest re-seller of Honeywell portable and fixed gas detection units in Ireland.

“We’re the supplier of choice for many of the largest life sciences and high-tech organisations in Ireland and beyond,” says the firm. And the company attributes its success to a “customer-first mentality”, and a focus on providing satisfaction. Strengths including flexibility, availability, and attention to detail are behind the firm’s growth in the calibration and servicing sector, says a press release.

Testimony to OBW Technologies’ progress in recent years include its three-fold increase in staff recruitment (over the past three years), which culminated in the acquisition of new office space in 2020, to accommodate more staff and stock.

“We offer a first-class customer support service and continually aim to source the latest technologies in gas detection for our clients.” OBW Technologies is partnered with Honeywell Analytics, City Technology, and Blackline Safety – world leaders in gas detection and sensor technology. “We are the main distributor of these products in the Irish and UK markets.”