Anua Clean Air UK writes: Anua Clean Air UK is a specialist air pollution control company with expertise in the field of biological treatment of air and biogas. The firm is an established leader in the fields of high performance, low-cost emission abatement, primarily based on our patented Biofiltration and Bio Scrubbing technologies which utilise recovered media with properties that enhance the process.
Our MonashellTM and CrumRubberTM are patented sustainable technologies which use recovered materials as the critical filtration component. The unique properties of these materials enhance capture and treatment. They not only remove harmful atmospheric pollutants but also provide multiple environmental benefits in terms of circular economy, and carbon footprint (low water and energy requirement and no consumables).

During the past number of years along with parent company Anua Clean Air International and Italian sister company Air Clean SRL we have been very active in the UK, Ireland and in overseas markets including Italy, France, the Middle East, China and the US. International projects include Dual Pass Monashell installations in Riyadh, Jeddah, Laguna Lake in the Philippines, Coimbatore in India, and Sindos in Greece. CrumRubber technology has been installed in the Canary Islands, China, Oman, UK and Ireland. We are also very excited to be currently working with Air Clean USA on the delivery of a number of new installations in Massachusetts, Connecticut, Maine and Rhode Island, Anua Clean Air International also specialises in equipment health checks and process upgrades as well as optimisation and media replacement services. We have performed system health checks and media replacement services on many hundreds of worldwide biological air treatment installations.