Sponsored content: Water jetting injury research achieves global reach

A study commissioned by the Water Jetting Association into the management of high pressure fluid injection injuries has become one of the important research papers on the topic in the world, says the group.

It has been accessed online more than 10,000 times since it was published in 2019, and has been cited in five specialist medical papers over the same period.

Now, a water jetting injury treatment guide developed from the research, has been extensively redesigned to make it easier to use.

Water jetting is essential for a huge range of tasks, including pressure washing, cleaning tubes and chambers in oil and gas, petrochemicals and energy plants, de-fouling marine structures, hydrodemolition of concrete, sewer and tank cleaning, and precision materials cutting.

The WJA water jetting injury treatment algorithm gives step-by-step best practical guidance on the treatment of water jetting injuries from first response through to definitive hospital care.

It has been praised as a game-changer in aiding effective responses to water jetting injuries which, if not treated correctly, can result in life changing, and sometimes fatal, consequences.

The WJA-funded research was led by Dr Sancho Rodriguez-Villar, an intensive care consultant at Kings College Hospital, London, and Dr Robert Charles Kennedy (PhD), the WJA’s clinical research and development advisor.
The new A4 digital and print injury treatment algorithm is easier to view, with colour-coded sections for different steps in a patient’s journey through a treatment pathway. Robert Kennedy said: “Correct treatment of water jet injuries is essential. The study makes clear it’s essential to observe the WJA’s algorithm.”