This article contains paid for content produced in collaboration with Airbox.
High-volume air sampling is a method used to assess airborne asbestos concentrations in buildings. It involves drawing a large volume of air through a filter media, which is then analysed for the quantity and morphology of asbestos fibres.
High-Volume testing has come to mean air samples from 8-16 lpm over a couple of hours. Real-world testing data by market leaders in the industry suggest that this may not be sufficient. Spaces tested at 8 lpm over 2-3 hours can yield negative results whereas the same spaces tested at 16 lpm over 5-10 hours will produce a positive result requiring evacuation.
The larger the volume of air tested the greater chance of finding deadly fibres and the better chance occupants of the building have of not contracting mesothelioma as a result of exposure.
Airbox Variflow XL is the only battery powered pump able to achieve sampling volumes totalling over 9000 litres at a rate of 16 lpm over 10-12 hours. The pump is shower proof allowing it to be easily decontaminated after use. It can also be set up outside the building where remediation work is being carried out to monitor the perimeter of the site.
Light weight but robust construction and mains or battery power options allow Airbox pumps to be carried four at a time, deep inside buildings without mains power.
The full range of Airbox can be explored at where you will find pumps with flow rates and run times to suit all protocols.