Structure and ecology prop

The Port of San Diego and eco-engineering company ECOncrete have launched a three-year pilot project on Harbor Island in the Bahamas to demonstrate a new variant of the firm’s interlocking COASTALOCK tide pool armour

York launches strategy to protect pollinators

City of York Council says it is taking action to make York more pollinator friendly. There are over 4,000 species of insects in the UK...

Bees win a reprieve, but action needed to curtail future risks, says charity

The announcement on 2 March that a banned neonicotinoid will not be used on sugar beet is good news – but does not halt...

Hotter, drier, CRISPR: Gene editing for climate change

Gene editing technology will play a vital role in climate-proofing future crops to protect global food supplies, according to scientists at The University of...

Endangered eels likely to benefit from new work revealing how they swim up the...

A traditional London delicacy, the humble eel now faces even more pressing threats than fishing. Scientists from engineering consultancy HR Wallingford and the Universities...

Prehistoric landscape reconstruction reveals early dinosaurs lived on tropical islands

A new study using leading edge technology has shed surprising light on the ancient habitat where some of the first dinosaurs roamed in the...

2021 will be a record year for beaver releases

The Wildlife Trusts are releasing a record number of beavers in 2021 – twenty years after bringing the first ever beavers back to...

Gardens are secret powerhouse for pollinators, says research

Home gardens are by far the biggest source of food for pollinating insects, including bees and wasps, in cities and towns, according to new...

UK supermarket is first to say ‘no’ to products made with gene editing

In response to a civil society appeal for UK supermarkets to back strong regulation of new gene-edited crops and animals, the Co-op has made...

Drainage components supplier offers support for project biodiversity

Developers must be supported if they are to protect biodiversity, according to surface water and drainage systems supplier ACO Water Management, following growing calls...

Healthy oceans need healthy soundscapes, suggests study

A global team of researchers has documented the seemingly pervasive impacts of noise on marine animals and ecosystems and identified actions to return to...

Consultancy wins CIEEM award for great crested newt mitigation

Ecological consultancy NatureSpace received the CIEEM In Practice Award together with its partners the Newt Conservation Partnership, in late January. The award recognises the contribution...

Wetlands convention celebrates 50th anniversary, but wetlands are still in decline

On 2 February, the Convention on Wetlands, also known as the Ramsar Convention, celebrated its 50th anniversary. But there is still an alarming decline...

New research highlights impacts of weedkiller on wildlife

Water flea (Moina macrocopa) under microscope view Prolonged exposure to environmentally relevant concentrations of the weedkiller Roundup causes significant harm to keystone species according to...

Will Nottingham be first UK city to rewild its centre?

Wildlife Trust unveils ambitious post-Covid wildscape to replace notoriously bleak shopping mall Early December saw the launch of a bold vision to rewild the heart...

Study proves bits of DNA in seawater correlate to the weight of netted fish,...

New tool will help census oceans from surface to seafloor, monitor fish, track shifting marine life due to climate change, around coral reefs, aquaculture...

New research reveals ‘megatrends’ that will affect forests in the next decade

A group of experts from academic, governmental and international organisations have identified five large-scale ‘megatrends’ affecting forests and forest communities, published on 1 December...

Symposium highlights impact of climate change on Antarctica

Scientists to share research on the response of ecosystems to environmental threats A group of researchers from the University of Wollongong (UOW), in New...

Deforestation in Brazilian Amazon spikes to 12-year high

Deforestation in the Brazilian Amazon increased 9.5 percent between August 1, 2019 and July 31, 2020, according to data released on 30 November by...

Milestone for fight to restore oyster habitats across Europe

Landmark publication is the largest compendium of research on Oyster Reef Restoration Extensive knowledge on how to restore native European oyster habitats will be published...