Welsh rivers in urban locations still have damaged food chains and fewer species of...

Toxic chemicals from past decades could be hindering the recovery of Britain’s urban rivers, concludes a recent study by scientists from Cardiff University, the...

Engineering new signalling networks to produce crops that need less fertiliser

An interdisciplinary research collaboration between the Universities of Oxford and Cambridge has engineered a novel synthetic plant-microbe signalling pathway that could provide the foundation...

Call for support of Marine Protected Area for the basking shark in Northern Scotland

The Scottish Wildlife Trust and Marine Conservation Society are asking people to show their support for basking sharks by responding to a Scottish Government...

Infrastucture firm launches Natural Capital Laboratory in the Scottish Highlands, which aims to demonstrate...

The five-year living laboratory will document the rewilding of the site’s natural environment, allowing AECOM to test and trial experimental new technologies to help measure and monitor environmental change .

New IPSO report: Eight urgent measures needed in the next decade to preserve life-supporting...

Deep-sea mining ‘precautionary pause’ and closure of one-third of the ocean among eight urgent measures needed in the next decade to preserve life-supporting ocean function .

Conservation project in the running for National Lottery award

Conservation project 'Back from the Brink' is appealing for votes after reaching the finals of the 25th Birthday National Lottery Awards - the search for the UK’s favourite ever National Lottery-funded projects .

Riverside developers guidance goes online for the first time

Enhancement of riverside public open space along the Thames and other UK rivers, for people and wildlife, is highlighted in updated guidance for planners...

Allotment soil is safer than national guidelines suggest

With the rise in popularity of people growing their own fruit and vegetables, it may be surprising to know that many urban allotments have...

Marine Conservation Society launches month-long Plastic Challenge detox

The Marine Conservation Society’s (MCS) annual ‘Plastic Challenge’ starts on Monday, 1 July and some big names are taking part, says the charity. ...

Ozone depletion driving climate change in Southern Hemisphere

Hole in ozone layer above Antarctica affects climate from tropics to the pole Ozone depletion in the stratosphere continues to affect not only ultraviolet (UV)...

New evidence shows noise pollution is hampering birds communicating with each other

Noise pollution is making it difficult for birds to communicate with each other and it could lead to a severe decline in numbers, new...

New investigation exposes destruction of forests to feed UK biomass plants

A new, hard-hitting investigation exposes how the UK’s demand for so-called ‘biomass’ energy is destroying valuable forests and ecosystems in the U.S. Southeast, a...

Global WWF study reveals humans ingest microplastic amounts equivalent to a credit card per...

A new study from conservation group WWF appears to find that, on average, people could be ingesting approximately 5 grams of plastic every week...

Conservationists concerned about late swift return

  This spring, nesting swifts here are arriving later than usual Swift experts have produced new advice for ecologists working on new housing developments...

Botswana’s U-turn on elephants

President Dr Mokgweetsi Masisi has announced the re-introduction of elephant hunting across the country, overturning a five-year ban on hunting elephants in Botswana. ...

Bee Lines campaign creates a buzz and is off to flying start

Nearly £5,000 has been raised in just three weeks as part of a new campaign to help reverse the decline of bees in the...

New research finds wolves limit spread of animal disease

Wolves are typically considered as an enemy to farmers, notorious for carrying out deadly raids against livestock. But new research published on Tuesday 28 May...

IPBES announces co-chairs to lead key assessment of invasive alien species

Three leading global experts were on 22 May announced as the co-chairs of a new and vitally important assessment by the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform...

Major campaign aims to save bees and pollinators in the South Downs

A campaign launched on 20 May aims to help reverse the decline of bees in the South East and create a haven for pollinators...

Scientists propose rethinking ‘endangered species’ definition to save slow-breeding giants

Researchers at the Smithsonian Institute have proposed a ‘demographic safe space’ for Asian elephants, to improve conservation of these and other large, slow-breeding animals. Conservation...