Podcast explores how responsible dredging might regreen deserts
A project to restore and ‘regreen’ Egypt’s Sinai desert provided the focus for a recent episode of the podcast series Rewilding the World, produced...
Gene silo: The DNA collection of air quality monitoring stations has been a useful...
Filters at thousands of ambient air quality monitoring stations around the world have been inadvertently collecting environmental DNA (eDNA) for decades, concealing an untapped...
European science advisory group urges moratorium on deep-sea mining
Explore recycling and terrestrial resources first, says the European Academies of Science Advisory Council (EASAC)
Rising global hunger for rare minerals is driving commercial interest...
A few thoughts on tackling microplastic pollution
What are microplastics, why are they such a problem and what can be done to reduce the pollution they cause? Dr Rosa Busquets explores...
Fossil fuel drilling scheme faces High Court challenge
A scheme to allow a drilling project on the edge of an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB) in Surrey is being challenged in...
Farming conference set to debate “What is a farm for?”
The annual National Farm Management Conference run by The Institute of Agricultural Management (IAgrM) will return this year to the QEII Centre in London...
Farming projects to get share of £30 million fund
The UK government has awarded up to £30 million to “cutting-edge farming projects” that will boost food production, move towards net zero, and create...
River diversions may cause microplastics to remain longer on land and in streams before...
Diverting streams and rivers to irrigate crops or provide drinking water may significantly extend the time microplastics spend in river catchments before they flow...
Marine fish are responding to climate change by relocating towards the poles
The majority of fish populations in the sea are responding to global warming by relocating towards colder waters nearer the north and south poles,...
Official status of River Wye downgraded due to worsened condition
Conservation charity The Wildlife Trusts said it is deeply concerned that the River Wye’s official status has been downgraded to ‘unfavourable-declining’, by the Government’s...
£3.25 million available for the creation and restoration of woodlands along the HS2 Phase...
The HS2 Woodland Fund has re-opened for applications (on Tuesday 30 May), supporting projects that create and restore woodland along the High Speed Two...
Call to ramp up joint action to get London’s rivers ‘climate-ready’
Policymakers, water companies, businesses, industry and the public in London will all need to work together help to protect London’s rivers in order for...
Farmland water “battery” storage and leak-detecting broadband cables among winners in Ofwat innovation competition
Farmers could soon be reimbursed for creating water storage ponds or water “batteries” as part of an innovative drought-prevention project that has received funding...
Public urged to keep watch for tree pest oak processionary moth
The Forestry Commission has (on 11 May) urged the public to report sightings of oak processionary moth caterpillars. We are now entering the greatest...
Bio-based ropes claim eco-friendly aquaculture benefits
New "bio" ropes made from biomaterials have the potential to replace conventional plastics of fossil origin in mussel and algae cultivation, say the groups...
No butts: Time to eradicate litter item as research clarifies toxic cargo
Cigarette filters are the world’s most common form of litter. New research appears to show that the filters leak thousands of toxins and plastic...
Comment: England’s local planning authorities risk failure on new biodiversity rules through inadequate land...
Satellite data and AI technology can perform essential ecological surveys to guide reporting and nature recovery strategies, says Software as a service (SaaS) AI...
Historic marshalling yard rejuvenated by biodiversity improvements
A former marshalling yard located in Feltham, London, owned by South Western Railway (SWR) has been rejuvenated as a result of the biodiversity improvement...
Biomass-fermentation-based protein recognised for potential contribution to a net zero food system
Agrifoodtech start-up MicroHarvest has been named as winning innovator for its response to the challenge of ‘Building a net-zero food production system’ by a panel of...
Conservation group calls for justice for the River Lugg
Damaged stretch of river must be restored following successful prosecution by Natural England and Environment Agency, says Herefordshire Wildlife Trust
On 20 April a court...