Union calls for stronger legal provisions for wind farm working after a worker dies...
Unite calls on HSE to act now to stiffen the laws governing the construction and maintenance of windfarms after a worker dies in Scotland snows
Study looks for lithium ‘fingerprint’ from space
A team of data scientists at the Satellite Applications Catapult is leading a new study, funded by Innovate UK, to see if it is possible to detect a lithium ‘fingerprint’ from space
Europe gets serious about plastic waste
The European Commission has announced the adoption of a new strategy with respect to the way plastic products are designed, produced, used and recycled in the EU
New guidance improves help for achieving joint BREEAM and WELL certification
BRE and the International WELL Building Institute™ (IWBI™) have released (on 22 January) a new, improved briefing paper that outlines how projects may achieve...
Microwaves could be as bad for the environment as cars suggests new research
Microwaves usage across the EU alone emits as much carbon dioxide as nearly seven million cars according to a new study by The University of Manchester.
French expedition aims to advance understanding of what lies beneath the Arctic ice
The warming of the Arctic Ocean and the retreat of the ice cover at the North Pole is presenting new opportunities for exploration
Charity renews appeal for plastic charge “after Theresa May fails to deliver concrete actions...
The Marine Conservation Society (MCS) says it's renewing its call for levies on single-use plastic items because the Prime Minister’s pledge to tackle litter failed to deliver what's really needed
UK supermarket Iceland to eliminate own-brand plastic packaging by 2023
UK frozen food retailer Iceland has committed to the target of eliminating plastic packaging from all its own-brand products by 2023, it was announced...
How are men and women differently affected by chemicals from waste? Nigerian TV documentary...
On 15 January the Nigerian TV channel NTA broadcast a 30-minute documentary entitled “What has gender got to do with chemicals?”
In Africa’s most populated...
London’s air quality still within legal limits in mid-January for first time in 10...
Sadiq Khan, the Mayor of London, said on 15 January that for the first time since modern records began London was entering the third...
Research reveals UK’s worst cities for problem rubbish
A new league table showing the impact of overflowing bins reveals that Londoners are hardest hit by the effects of problem waste
SEPA raises concerns about waste handling at Trident submarine base
SEPA has criticised the MOD's handling of nuclear waste at a site near the Trident base in Faslane
Observers respond to the government’s 25-year environment plan
Theresa May’s speech on 11 January, setting out a 25–year plan to improve the environment, prompted much comment from observers and leaders in the...
PwC research asks: Is business grasping the full potential of SDGs?
New research from PwC reveals that over three-in-five businesses now deem SDGs to be important enough to include in their corporate reporting
The era of mega hydropower in the Brazilian Amazon appears to be over
The era of mega-dams in the Brazilian Amazon appears to be coming to an end, according to the California-based non-profit organisation Amazon Watch, referencing...
Scottish householders urged to resolve to recycle more for 2018
The Composition of Household Waste at the Kerbside shows that 60% of what goes in the non-recyclable ‘landfill’ bin could have been recycled
Plasma waste recovery successfully trialled for precious metals extraction from e-waste
Plasma waste recovery firm Tetronics says it has completed the first of four trials using its plasma technology in the extraction of precious metals...
UK Asbestos Training Association updates rules of membership to address threat to industry standards
UKATA says it has overhauled its rules of membership to counter a threat from sub-standard service providers.
Innovate UK partners with Cleantech Innovate 2018
Innovate UK, an executive non-departmental public body, works with companies to de-risk, enable and support innovation.
UN resolution commits member states to ocean pollution measures
More than 200 countries have signed a UN resolution that will encourage member states to take greater action on the issue of marine pollution,...