Sponsored Content: Your post-lockdown pollution-prevention plan: Why it pays to be proactive

As spring turns to summer, sites across the UK are continuing their steady return to some kind of business as usual. By the end of this year, half of manufacturers expect to be back at full operating levels and employees are coming back in ever greater numbers after months of remote working. For facilities managers, now is a critical time from the perspective of pollution control.

Utilities should prepare ahead of mandatory monitoring

Healthier rivers will be one outcome of implementation of the Environment Act 21, writes Darren Hanson of water technology firm Xylem. Now water companies...

How do you monitor a tidal river?

If water samples are taken from a river at 9am on consecutive days, it is reasonable to be able to directly compare analytical results,...

Contaminant cornucopia

Monitoring projects that collect and analyze urban runoff samples have just begun to characterize the dizzying array of contaminants, including tire- and vehicle-derived chemicals, per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS), phosphorous, metals and many others, according to the American Chemical Society.

Tap test gives faster way to confirm safety of oil and gas pipelines

A simple vibration test can help oil and gas companies prevent pipeline spills in a way that is faster and cheaper than conventional methods,...