Scotland receives circular economy gong at World Economic Forum meeting in Davos

Scotland has been named one of the world’s top circular economy nations, receiving a global award for its work to make things last. The Scottish...

Firm claims breakthrough in recycling of MDF waste

The world’s first ever technology to recycle MDF waste has seemingly moved a step closer to reality, according to MDF Recovery, the firm behind...

First rigs to arrive for decommissioning in Great Yarmouth

The Veolia and Peterson partnership has been awarded two platform decommissioning contracts for recycling at their facility in Great Yarmouth. With an aim of...

Christmas waste has cost English councils £72 million, but they have no powers to...

Waste packaging and food leftovers from this Christmas alone will have cost councils £72 million. In England, local authorities spend around £300 million every...

Four-in-five Scots would welcome pre-loved gifts this Christmas, says research

Four out of five Scots would be happy to receive a pre-loved gift this Christmas – but just under two thirds (65%) of those...

More conveyor power for Biffa Polymers to expand recycling capacity

Recycling machinery specialist Middleton Engineering has installed a second bespoke conveyor to enhance processing requirements at Biffa Polymers, said to be the world’s first...

Commercial scale production milestone for lead-acid battery recycling technology

The Californian firm behind what is said to be the only clean lead recycling method - which therefore holds out the possibility of making...

Commons debates plastic bottle deposit return schemes

Taking empty bottles back to the shop may be a familiar memory for many in the UK (albeit an uncomfortable one in my own...

Lord of the recycled rings: Veolia demonstrates metals recovery from pharmaceuticals

A unique pair of platinum rings with a retail value of around £1,200 have been made entirely from the precious metal recovered from obsolete...

Air-cleaning, IoT-enabled “tree” picks up circular economy award in Berlin

An air-cleaning moss installation for urban areas picked up the Green Alley Award in Berlin on 27 October, which recognises innovative start-up companies working...

Call for clarification on what can and can’t be exported to China and elsewhere

“Our Quality First campaign will be working with everyone from retailers and local authorities to recyclers, to ensure that everyone takes responsibility for quality,"...

Medical devices take-back scheme wins award

RecoMed, the PVC medical devices take-back scheme, has won an award in the Sustainability category of the 2016 INOVYN Awards, recognising its innovative approach...

Consistent approach to procurement across major infrastructure projects critical for circular economy, according to...

A consistent approach to procurement across major infrastructure projects would help embed circular economy principles into infrastructure design and operation, according to a white...

First National Recycling Guidelines published by WRAP, promising an end to householder confusion

A definitive list of what can and cannot be accepted for recycling at the roadside was published by WRAP on 12 October. The Recycling...

Funding available for businesses and organisations working in the bioeconomy in Scotland

On 19 October the Scottish Government announced a £1.5 million funding opportunity for businesses and research institutions working in industrial biotechnology, food and drink,...

Complete supply chain approach is essential for success, suggests resource recovery specialist

Richard McKinlay, Senior Engineer at Axion Consulting suggests the recycling industry and infrastructure needs to move to a complete supply chain approach if it...

Industry-funded communications campaign increases metal recycling rates in Warwick

Warwick District Council has increased kerbside recycling of metal packaging by 28 per cent in six months – through MetalMatters, a communications campaign funded...

Edinburgh circular economy summit showcases innovation and new business models

Zero Waste Scotland’s Chief Executive Iain Gulland opened the 2016 Scottish Resources Conference on 5 October by stating that Scotland is moving the circular...

Research breathes ‘new life’ into lithium ion battery packs

Novel separation techniques to recover high-value metal compounds from automotive battery packs are being explored as part of a £14 million research consortium. The AMPLiFII...

UK-wide survey suggests Brits love of TVs shows no sign of abating

Results released on 4 October from a survey carried out by the UK’s largest WEEE producer compliance scheme, REPIC, has revealed that half of...