Using AI to avoid spills
A seemingly game-changing digital technology to reduce sewer network blockages and pollution is being rolled out by Yorkshire Water, in a contract recently awarded to Siemens.
Poisonous legacy
Arsenic in wells in Connecticut may be a legacy of past pesticide use on orchards, illustrating the extent to which toxic substances can linger in the ecosystem decades after they were first used.
Thermal hydrolysis boosts biogas production
Thermal hydrolysis is a two-stage process combining high-pressure heat treatment of the feedstock followed by rapid decompression.
Taking a natural approach to flood management in yorks
Farmers and landowners across three river catchments in Yorkshire and the North West are harnessing the power of nature in a pilot scheme to better protect the major road network from flooding.
Separator assists with SuDS
ACO Water Management has launched its new advanced hydrodynamic separator, the V-Septor.
Getting smart about new SuDS tech
There are times when the potential for a new technology can leapfrog the ability of a regulatory framework to deliver it. We must make sure that the rapid advances being made in digitally controlled rainwater reuse technologies are not caught in this trap, writes Mark Manning of water technology firm SDS.
Discharging a duty
Water industry intransigence and regulatory neglect seem to provide the backdrop to a sewage dumping scandal that has made headlines recently and emboldened citizen scientists and environmental campaigners. Will 2022 be the year water companies are finally forced to get their act together, asks Envirotec.
Sites must fulfil water protection obligations
With public attention on corporate environmental activities, there is particular pressure on industrial companies to limit their impact on the local water environment, says Adam Parmenter, industrial sales manager at WPL.
Narrow-beam-width level sensor is simple to install
Presenting itself as a leader in hydrology and meteorology, Geolux has launched a new and improved version of contactless radar for measuring water level.
A tale of two flowmeters
Instrumentation firm Pulsar Measurement offers a few thoughts on Doppler vs transit-time flowmeters, and the situations to which each is best suited.
Mitigating risk
Simon Crowther, founder of FPS Environmental, offers a rundown on planning for the possibility of flood.
Study points to microplastics’ greater presence in faeces of IBD sufferers
A potential link between microplastics and inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) has been flagged up by a scientific study released in late December.
The group behind...
Comment: New year brings resolution on pollution
With sector-wide recognition that a step-change is required to deliver the environmental improvements required by all stakeholders, a new year brings fresh opportunities for...
Heat transfer acquisition means combined companies have over 100 years’ experience
By Matt Hale, International Sales & Marketing Director, HRS Heat Exchangers
The recent acquisition of HRS Heat Exchangers by Canada-based Exchanger Industries Limited (EIL) has...
Wastewater helps decipher the popularity of new synthetic drugs
Over the years, hundreds of new synthetic drugs that mimic the effects of illegal and legal substances have emerged. The underground nature of each...
Studying indicators of wastewater contamination to shellfish farms
Human wastewater poses a global threat to seafood safety and the financial stability of the aquaculture industry. A recent study by researchers at the...
The Ocean Race reports on microfibres in European seas
• Microfibres were found in every sample taken by sailors this summer
• The Baltic Sea had the highest levels of microplastics in Europe,...
Septic system waste pervasive throughout Florida’s Indian River lagoon
Study finds even ‘properly functioning’ septic systems contaminate groundwater and surface water, as a group from Florida Atlantic University explains.
For more than a decade,...
Climate change author to deliver keynote at water technology event
Renowned environmentalist, entrepreneur and bestselling author Paul Hawken has been announced as a keynote speaker at global water technology event BlueTech Forum 2022, which...
Laser scans show devastating impact of wet wipes on the Thames
River charity Thames21 has released data showing a mound created by wet wipes, which has grown to the size of two tennis courts and...