93% of industry without skills to meet 2050 climate targets
Only half (53%) of UK engineering firms think net zero by 2050 is achievable for them.
1 in 2 are currently experiencing a...
Cement-free ultra-low carbon concrete block hailed as ‘gamechanger’
What is described as ‘the first cement-free ultra-low carbon concrete block’ was launched in the UK on 11 February, promising up to 73% CO2...
Sponsored content: Packaged treatment acquisition
Wastewater treatment and compliance services provider WPL has been acquired by specialist services company Marlowe for an enterprise value of £10 million.
Sponsored content: Cleaner air thanks to carbon filtration
The UK Government’s Clean Air Strategy identifies a number of target compounds that need to be reduced dramatically within industrial air emissions.
Sponsored content: Leaving room to breathe
Tank breather vents are often overlooked as critical safety assets. The consequences from poorly set, calibrated and serviced assets are potentially dire.
Time to put the foot down?
A decarbonisation rate of 11.7% per annum is now required to keep warming within 1.5°C according to new analysis from PwC in December
Delivering pledges to net zero essential if Paris targets to be met, says IEMA
New briefing paper outlines the need for business relevance, multiple tools, planned pathways and transparent approaches
On the eve of the fifth anniversary of the...
Climate action tools launched for small and medium-sized businesses
The SME Climate Hub has joined forces with Oxford University to provide small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) with tools and resources to help them...
Sponsored content: Cleaner air thanks to carbon filtration
During 2019, the UK Government set out its plans for reducing the levels of specific air pollutants, in a document called the Clean Air...
On track for net zero? Observers respond to the UK government’s ten-point green plan
Commentators in the environmental sphere seemed to broadly welcome the UK government’s “Ten-Point Plan for a Green Industrial Revolution”, unveiled on 18 November, although...
Behavioural change platform and community announces new crowdfund and sign-up from global investment firm
Eco tech firm Pawprint has launched a second crowdfund and announced that global investment company Standard Life Aberdeen is the latest business to become...
Siemens publishes advice for businesses on steps to decarbonise
Businesses who fail to act on decarbonisation risk exposing themselves to potential risks from policy-driven increased operating costs, increased energy costs or increased compliance...
Consultancies develop net zero 2030 routemap for UK water
Water industry experts from Ricardo and Mott MacDonald have collaborated to create what they describe as "a pioneering strategy that will guide the UK...
Utility’s approach to explosion risk assessment wins construction industry award
An innovative, industry-leading digital approach to explosion risk assessment has seen a win for Yorkshire Water, which was named as Digital Initiative of the...
Sponsored content: Seeking sustainability leaders
Eco tech business,Pawprint, has launched a countrywide search for the most climate conscious businesses to join their Pawprint Pioneers Program and become sustainability leaders in their fields.
Putting tanks to the test
Leaky tanks mean fugitive emissions, air pollution, increased risk of accident and - in the case of biogas operators - loss of product and revenue. On a mission to better inform and equip tank operators in relation to these risks is storage tanks expert Assentech. Envirotec asked the firm about important gaps to be plugged in the information commonly provided to tank specifiers, and in areas such as production testing, leak testing and tank calibration
Cooling a hidden threat for climate change and sustainable goals, says Oxford study
Past research suggests that growing international demand for cooling has the potential to drive one of the most substantial increases in greenhouse gas emissions...
Methane release from UK shale gas site equivalent to 142 trans-Atlantic flights, says research...
Fracking operations at a site in Blackpool have caused an unintended release of methane gas into the atmosphere to the equivalent environmental cost of...
Scotland should follow on-demand bus schemes example of other UK regions, says charity
Schemes which would see passengers order on-demand bus services should be introduced in Scotland, a leading mobility charity has said.
The ‘flexible bus’ initiative would...
White vans go green: Half a million builders and plumbers needed to reach Net...
New research appears to show that a “retrofit army” of nearly half a million builders, electricians and plumbers will be needed to meet the Government’s objective of becoming Net Zero by 2050