Measurement without obstruction?
David Bowers of ABB Measurement & Analytics makes the case for using thermal mass flowmeters to measure biogas flows .
Applying biology to hard-to-solve waste challenges
From locking in unpleasant odours to reducing bulky waste and cleaning up hydrocarbon contamination, biotechnology company Advetec says bacteria-driven solutions can produce valuable results in unexpected areas. Chief Operating Officer Richard Goff highlights those areas where the most exciting progress has been made .
Clutching at straws?
In banning plastic drinking straws, coffee cups and other single-use plastic, the UK Government and NGOs seem to be ignoring the really big issue - the exportation of waste plastics that are ending up in the world's oceans, says UK recycling firm Axion Polymers .
Guidance ‘will encourage more blue-green infrastructure’
New guidance appears to give water companies greater freedom to adopt Sustainable Drainage Systems (SuDS) and to introduce more rainwater saving and re-use schemes, as well as encouraging the integration of surface water assets into blue-green infrastructure .
Making the most of the RHI reforms with membrane technology
The first commercial plant to upgrade biogas to biomethane, for injection into the gas grid or for use as a vehicle fuel, used water wash technology, and in 2012, a new solution came onto the market: highly selective membrane technology
Bringing remote monitoring benefits to community-scale biogas
Researchers at Loughborough University have collaborated with colleagues in Thailand to develop a small scale biogas system that converts food waste to methane and can be monitored via the internet .
Cleaning spills with magnets
A seemingly new approach to oil-water separation – with implications for cleaning up oil and wastewater spills - has been developed by researchers at the Technical Institute of Physics and Chemistry of the Chinese Academy of Sciences .
UK off track to meet emissions targets without urgent action
The Committee on Climate Change published its 2018 Progress Report to Parliament on 28 June, which said the UK will miss its legally binding carbon budgets in 2025 and 2030, unless swift action is taken .
Comment: Clean Air Strategy must consider benzene
In May, the UK Government announced a full consultation on its Clean Air Strategy, a document outlining proposed actions to reduce national air pollution....
Experts highlight far reaching impact of new EU emission rules on industry and potential...
Thousands of British companies face potential fines and disciplinary action, including the closing of facilities, for failing to take account of the far reaching...
Closing the loop: Real-time air-quality data used to control hybrid engines in Leeds trial
Monitoring technology from air-quality modelling expert EarthSense has provided real-time data for trials into the use of low-emission vehicles to improve air quality in...
New ‘hyperlocal’ air quality network for London
London Mayor Sadiq Khan has launched a new, street-by-street monitoring system that - it is hoped - will help to improve the capital’s air...
Institution of Mechanical Engineers responds to Clean Air Day
Jenifer Baxter, Head of Engineering at the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, has issued a statement in response to 21 June's national Clean Air Day,...
Adverse effects of indoor air pollution on child health to be investigated in first...
The potentially harmful impact of indoor air pollution on children is to be the subject of a major study for the first time in...
York council marks Clean Air Day with a number of June initiatives
The City of York Council is marking national Clean Air Day, on Thursday 21 June, with a number of air quality workshops, as well...
Biomethane ‘only practical way to decarbonise large vehicles’, says ADBA chief
Biomethane from anaerobic digestion (AD) is “the only practical means of decarbonising HGVs, buses, and other large vehicles” according to a new article by...
Report argues for change in the way we produce and use cement, if Paris...
Report argues for change in the way we produce and use cement, if Paris climate goals are to be reached
Handheld solution for rapid, on-site testing of sulphur in marine oil
Instrumentation firm Hitachi High-Tech Analytical Science has launched a new solution dedicated to the field-portable analysis of bunker fuel. The new X-MET8000 Optimum solution...
Bespoke sludge thickener blends into background and controls odour
A low-profile sludge thickener has been designed so that it is virtually invisible in its surrounding rural landscape
Novel chemical dosing appears to remove stink from anaerobic digestion
Researchers from the University of British Columbia recently announced a solution which they suggest dramatically reduces the odours produced from subjecting wastewater to anaerobic digestion.