Coul Links golf snub is victory for common sense, says environmental scientist
A leading environmental scientist has hailed the ‘landmark decision’ to refuse planning permission for the Coul Links golf course - labelling it a victory...
Nesting in the thrush hour: Leeds traffic light hosts endangered bird species
Mistle thrush aka stormcock has set up nest in Leeds traffic light
Chicks hatched during height of storm Dennis
Nesting has taken place...
Unlocking the energy potential of Scotland’s parks
Research published on 24 February by social enterprise greenspace scotland appears to reveal how the untapped energy potential from Scotland’s parks and green spaces...
Even “safe levels” of PCBs harm porpoises, say researchers
Manmade chemicals at levels below the toxic threshold for marine animals are now linked to a rise in the number of porpoises killed by...
Repairing Scotland’s peatlands: Volunteer “Bog Squad” celebrates six years of progress
Wildlife charity Butterfly Conservation is celebrating six years of its "Bog Squad" initiative this March. Begun in 2014, this group of volunteers is carrying...
Tens of thousands of city trees to be planted in first round of Urban...
· First round of successful bidders to the Urban Tree Challenge Fund announced.
· Projects across England have been awarded funding for new trees in...
Branching out for a new green revolution: Gene identified that improves yield of rice,...
Researchers at the University of Oxford and the Chinese Academy of Sciences have discovered a new gene that improves the yield and fertilizer use...
1 trillion trees are great, except when they’re not: Paper aims to clarify benefits...
Tree-planting gained President Trump’s support in late January as a tool to fight climate change. But done wrong, it could hurt people and the...
Oxford-Cambridge rail scheme’s “net gain” commitment shows HS2 failing nature, says RSPB
Transport Secretary’s announcement of preferred route for East West Rail timely reminder of HS2’s failure to protect environment, says conservation group
Responding to the Secretary...
New report reveals hedgehogs, yellowhammers and dragonflies at risk post-EU Exit
No clear plans on how regulation gaps will be plugged to protect nature
A report published on 30 January – commissioned by The Wildlife Trusts,...
River-friendly businesses honoured as scheme sparks growing environmental network
A number of firms have secured "River-Friendly Business" status through an initiative which aims to help companies work together to tackle water pollution.
Run by...
New approach aims to coordinate conservation efforts, connecting local actions with international goals
Researchers at the University of Oxford and their collaborators have launched a new approach to tackling biodiversity loss "in a coordinated way
Climate change set to devastate regional fisheries and cause reef tourism revenue losses of...
Adaptive management processes must be fast tracked by world leaders
Unabated climate change could cause coral reef tourism revenue losses of over 90%, while some...
Mediterranean forests at risk
Fires combined with climate change may convert forests into open landscapes
Climate change is expected to increase the chance and intensity of drought around the...
Aerial map reveals Islington’s tree cover, and assists study into benefits of trees in...
Treeconomics, a specialist in the use of trees to improve urban spaces, is taking advantage of a nationwide digital record of over 300 million...
EU and US prevent vital protections for endangered mako sharks
Conservationists expressed shock and distress on 25 November at the news that the European Union and the United States were the main obstacles to...
How to ensure your winter gritting respects the environment
Gritting is one of the most effective and cost-effective ways to keep the economy moving through adverse weather with safer roads that are free...
Waterflea study reveals evolution’s ability to reconfigure gene networks to deal with environmental change
Scientists at the University of Birmingham say they have unravelled the genetic mechanisms behind tiny waterfleas’ ability to adapt to increased levels of phosphorus...
Insect decline more extensive than suspected, says large-scale biodiversity study
Causes of insect decline and biodiversity loss to be found at the landscape level
Compared to a decade ago, today the number of insect species...
Water companies playing leading role in the battle against invasive species, says industry group
Zebra mussels are amongst the non-native species which pose a threat to local ecologies and with which the water industry is doing battle.
Industry investing...