MPs to debate restoring nature on a massive scale to prevent climate breakdown
On Monday 28th October, MPs will debate a petition relating to restoring nature on a massive scale to help stop climate breakdown. Daniel Zeichner...
Event celebrates the mineral products industry’s contribution to conservation
Joint winners of the MPA Restoration Awards 2019: Aggregate Industries for Ripon City Quarry (left) and Tarmac for Broom Quarry (right).
Environmental and conservation organisations...
Widespread drying of European peatlands in recent centuries
A team of researchers have examined 31 peatlands across Britain, Ireland, Scandinavia and continental Europe to assess changes in peatland surface wetness during the last 2,000 years
Indigenous groups call for urgent action to protect Amazon headwaters region in Peru and...
A number of indigenous groups have called for emergency support to stop the governments of Ecuador and Peru from expanding new fossil fuel, mining, and large-scale industrial development
Birds benefiting from climate change may find their boost short-lived
Studies show climate change is having a stronger effect upon bird species which benefit from climate change compared to those which suffer negative impacts
Amazon fires decreased in September but crisis far from over, says conservation group
The number of fires in the Amazon in September decreased compared to the same period last year, according to the latest data from the Brazilian National Institute for Space Research (INPE)
DEFRA use satellite technology to monitor oak and ash dieback throughout England
DEFRA (the Department for Environment Food & Rural Affairs) has begun a nationwide project with geospatial data analytics company, Rezatec, to map the key...
Environmental DNA project launches with sampling event on the River Adur
The 1000 Rivers eDNA Project has now launched after an event on the banks of the River Adur in Sussex on 11 September
Brown Trout genome sequencing a game-changer for wildlife conservation during climate change
The genome sequencing of the wild Brown Trout – a significant milestone in conservation biology – has been completed by an international team...
UN report: Ocean-based climate action could deliver a fifth of emissions cuts needed to...
Ocean-based climate action can play a much bigger role in shrinking the world’s carbon footprint than was previously thought
£150,000 boost for Thames Estuary habitats
Improved habitat for birds, bees and other wildlife is to be created along the River Thames in Kent and Essex in a new partnership...
Improved sewage treatment has increased river biodiversity over past 30 years, says study
Improvements in wastewater treatment in the UK over the past 30 years are linked to improvements in river biodiversity, according to a study conducted...
AI-based anti-poaching system trialled in Tanzania
Satelliite communications firm Inmarsat has joined forces with RESOLVE, the Washington DC based non-profit environmental and health organisation, to develop a satellite-enabled solution to...
Peat use must be banned to hit zero-carbon targets, says Veolia
It’s time to stop excavating our precious peatlands says Veolia, "the UK’s largest peat-free composter" .
Threat to terrestrial ecosystems and food security detailed in IPCC land use report
Land is under growing pressure from human activity and climate change is adding to these pressures, according to a report released by the IPCC...
English water companies commit to planting 11 million new trees by 2030
Water companies in England have announced plans to plant 11 million trees, part of a wider commitment to improve the natural environment, to support...
Cotswold District Council offers advice to support development of green infrastructure
Cotswold District Council is encouraging developers to incorporate high quality green infrastructure into new developments. Green infrastructure (GI) is the network of natural and...
New study shows impact of largescale tree death on carbon storage
Large scale ‘disturbances’, including fires, harvesting, windstorms and insect outbreaks, which kill large patches of forest, are responsible for more than a tenth of...
New studies aim to drive protections for beetles
Natural England has published (on 1 August) the first comprehensive review of the conservation requirements of two groups of beetles in the UK for...
How global warming will impact the diversity of freshwater ecosystems
Rising temperatures will lead to fewer predatory species living in freshwater habitats, according to new research led by the University of Essex.
The study is...