Taking to the skies to find Scotland’s coastal and marine litter hotspots
Charity collaboration aims to lead mass clean up operation
Channel 4 Dispatches seemingly uncovers reckless deforestation being used to feed Drax
An investigation by Channel 4’s Dispatches that was televised on 14 April has aimed to expose the destruction behind the UK utility Drax’s move...
Study highlights threat from pharmaceuticals in the world’s rivers
Pharmaceutical drugs are present in rivers and waterways around the world, at levels that present a danger to wildlife, and which are continuing to...
Supermarket’s move to ban palm oil products: understandable but possibly misguided
Responding to the news that Iceland is banning palm oil from its own brand products, Dr Jake Bicknell and Dr Matthew Struebig argue that...
Warning of dangerous decline in biodiversity across the world
IPBES is warning that biodiversity continues to decline in every region of the world
Scientific microplastic survey of Scottish coastal waters confirms contamination
Microplastics found in two thirds of samples, many carrying toxic chemicals
The results from Greenpeace’s 2017 ship tour of Scotland - published on 7 March...
Melbourne event promises to reveal the secrets of a healthy and sustainable city
City decision makers, planners, landscape architects and the horticulture industry are invited to attend the next International Green City Conference of the International Association...
DNA pinpoints river animals in the here-and-now, new research reveals
New research proves that environmental DNA survives for less than two days in small fast-flowing rivers
Study looks for lithium ‘fingerprint’ from space
A team of data scientists at the Satellite Applications Catapult is leading a new study, funded by Innovate UK, to see if it is possible to detect a lithium ‘fingerprint’ from space
French expedition aims to advance understanding of what lies beneath the Arctic ice
The warming of the Arctic Ocean and the retreat of the ice cover at the North Pole is presenting new opportunities for exploration
Charity renews appeal for plastic charge “after Theresa May fails to deliver concrete actions...
The Marine Conservation Society (MCS) says it's renewing its call for levies on single-use plastic items because the Prime Minister’s pledge to tackle litter failed to deliver what's really needed
The era of mega hydropower in the Brazilian Amazon appears to be over
The era of mega-dams in the Brazilian Amazon appears to be coming to an end, according to the California-based non-profit organisation Amazon Watch, referencing...
UN resolution commits member states to ocean pollution measures
More than 200 countries have signed a UN resolution that will encourage member states to take greater action on the issue of marine pollution,...
Whiskey maker awarded for work to restore oysters to Dornoch Firth
Firm's commitment to Highland neighbourhood honoured with three sustainability awards
River expansion boosts biodiversity, in Netherlands study
Researchers at Utrecht University and Radboud University appear to have revealed the successful combination of a lower flood risk with the start of biodiversity...
CIWEM calls on Government to strengthen the power of catchment partnerships
CIWEM has published its vision for the future management of land and water under the government’s 25-year environment plan, saying a strengthened catchment based...
Book explores future impact of the Anthropocene
View of Earth from space during a sunrise (3D rendering elements of this image furnished by NASA)
A new book series titled Anthropocene has just...
“Biological house” is proving ground for sustainable construction methods
Copenhagen based architecture firm Een til Een has unveiled what it describes as the world’s first "biological house".
The construction is claimed to set a...
The Environment Agency wins a national award for “Bringing Back the River Bulbourne”
A partnership project between the Environment Agency and the Box Moor Trust in Hemel Hempstead has been recognised with a national award.
The project has...
Asian hornet outbreak contained in Devon, says Defra
An Asian hornet nest has been destroyed in the Woolacombe area of Devon and no further live Asian hornets have been sighted, according to...