Managing AD liquors from sewage sludge

Energy self-sufficiency in the water industry is a major incentive behind advanced digestion processes for sewage sludge. But managing high strength ammonia digestate and...

Awards pay tribute to energy professionals’ ingenuity

Over 200 energy industry senior executives joined former swimming champion and host Mark Foster in congratulating the winners of the 2016 Energy Institute (EI)...

Lights out for PPA-funded solar

A detailed new analysis shows that the standard method for financing large scale solar PV schemes in the UK is no longer economically viable....

Gasification EfW plant to be built in Cardiff, following Lockheed Martin and Cogen deal

Lockheed Martin and CoGen are to build an Energy-from-Waste (Efw) plant in Wales, employing gasification. The new facility in Cardiff will convert waste into...

Veolia delivers more power to the Bradford: 50@50 programme

Resource management firm Veolia has increased low carbon generation for the University of Bradford (UoB) by over a third by designing and installing an...

Future of pumped storage hydro analysed in new report

20 benefits of technology highlighted – along with challenges and solutions A new report outlining the investment case for pumped storage hydro has set out...

Decarbonising heat the only scalable path to reach zero carbon goals, say conference speakers

Industrial sized district heatpumps which draw warmth from the air, rivers, lakes, the sea and the ground are expected to play a key role...

No need to dump diesel: Report calls for balance when appraising energy supply for...

A new report challenges current perceptions on the use of diesel generators in STOR and related capacity market schemes. Aimed at supporting utilities organisations...

Biofertiliser quality standard achieved by Tamar’s food waste recycling plant

Tamar Energy today announced that its Basingstoke anaerobic digestion (AD) plant has achieved a key industry quality standard. PAS 110, the standard backed by...

GIB invests £28m in Edinburgh EfW plant

UK Green Investment Bank plc (GIB) has today committed £28m of debt finance to a new £142m energy-from-waste (EfW) plant at Millerhill in Midlothian,...

UK oil and gas sector urged to take advantage of £210bn renewables boom

ORE Catapult highlights opportunities to unlock high growth potential of oil and gas sector suppliers Britain’s world-leading experience in oil and gas could be harnessed...

2017 rateable values include unexpected business rates hike for solar rooftop

Business rates for ‘mainly export’ solar agreed with Valuations Office but concern over 6-8 fold tax hike for business solar rooftops The draft rateable values...

ADBA publishes AD guidance on secondary containment

ADBA’s Training, Safety and Environment working group has published a tool and accompanying guide to help AD operators and developers to determine the secondary...

Fertiliser first

Boddington Estates has become the first farm in the county to receive a high quality ‘green’ fertiliser from the county’s local food waste recycling...

Scotland’s marine sector in jeopardy without support

At Scottish Renewables' Marine Conference in Inverness on 13 September, director of policy Jenny Hogan used her opening speech to call for greater clarity...

Setting the scene for a US offshore wind boom?

Early September appeared to mark important milestones for US adoption of offshore wind as an energy source, with the appearance of the first such...

UK likely to miss 2020 energy target

The starkest warning yet that the UK is on course to miss it’s 2020 renewable energy targets was issued in early September by the...

Push floor technology selected for Surrey gasification facility

M+W Group the lead contractor for Surrey County Council’s new Eco Park, under construction at Charlton Lane, Shepperton in Surrey, has selected Saxlund International...

Community energy retains overwhelming backing of uk public, and increased support among Conservative voters,...

An overwhelming majority of the public would support local renewable energy projects, including wind turbines, if they were owned and controlled by the community,...

Battery storage firms win National Grid tender to provide grid balancing technology

Seemingly an important boost for the development of technologies to help with balancing services for the electrical grid, National Grid announced on 26 August...