AD & Biogas

The latest news stories and articles for anaerobic digestion (AD) and biogas.

ADCS will revolutionise the AD industry, comments gas engine specialist

Duncan McPherson, finance director at CooperOstlund, believes the scheme will prove a breath of fresh air and could help to revolutionise AD operations nationwide.

Mixing and fine-tuning: growing support, and one or two practical issues

Mixer and pump manufacturer Landia has welcomed Privilege Finance’s statement that farm-based AD plants can improve efficiency from 10% to 30%. Citing Feedstock, Mixing and...

Plans announced for UK’s first commercial‐scale hydrothermal carbonisation facility

CPL Industries, a manufacturer of smokeless fuels and other carbon‐based products, has recently announced plans to install a commercial‐scale Hydothermal Carbonisation (HTC) facility at...

The heat is on for AD plants

A few thoughts on the benefits and practicalities of using heat exchangers in wastewater AD, from Matt Hale of thermal technology expert HRS Heat...

NIR provides quick and accurate test of biomethane potential

AD operator and services provider Amur has launched a test for measuring biomethane potential (BMP) of feedstocks, which it claims has a speed and...

Dry AD firm enters the Chinese market

The delivery of two Kompogas digesters for a biogas plant in Chongqing appears to mark the successful entry of Zurich-based Hitachi Zosen Inova - and...

Domestic digester now more efficient and easy to install, says developer

Tel Aviv-based kickstarter firm HomeBiogas has come up with an improved version of its domestic-scale biodigester, originally launched in 2015. Like its predecessor, HomeBiogas...

Renewable heat legislation delay threatens climate goals, says AD trade group

Legislation on Renewable Heat Incentive delayed yet again due to Parliamentary backlog Government struggling to meet targets to decarbonise heat Further delay threatens building of AD...

Trade body releases revamped AD industry guide

The Anaerobic Digestion & Bioresources Association (ADBA) has (on 3 October) released the second edition of The Practical Guide to AD, a key guidance...
Activated sludge is the preferred option for treating sewage from large municipal areas.

Digesting the challenges

A panel session at July's AD & Biogas show explored some of the trade-offs involved in municipal wastewater treatment method selection
DMT’s Sulfurex® CR desulphurisa¬tion technology at a Manchester AD plant.

Top tips on toxic gas treatment to prolong AD plant lifespan

Biogas upgrading specialist DMT Environmental Technology on a familiar AD bugbear: hydrogen sulphide
A sample of Lactobacillus, lactic acid bacteria which are part of the normal flora of the human intestine and are also used in AD plants.

Keeping the bugs on side

At July's AD & Biogas show, a panel of experts shared opinions about getting the most from a plant, and making the best choices when setting it up or attempting to nudge its operation in the right direction.

New RHI consultation risks further delay to crucial reforms, says ADBA

The Anaerobic Digestion & Bioresouces Association (ADBA) on 5 September stressed that BEIS’s new consultation on further amendments to the Renewable Heat Incentive (RHI)...

Fuel handling solution chosen for UK’s first commercial bio-substitute natural gas plant

A pioneering green gas generation plant, under construction at Marston Gate in Swindon by Advanced Plasma Power and Cadent, is to use a fully...

New conference to examine role of anaerobic digestion in Northern Irish economy

A new conference is set to examine the role that anaerobic digestion (AD) can play in waste management, agriculture, renewable energy generation, and climate...

‘Continuous’ thermal hydrolysis AD plant to be built for UK water utility

Water treatment technology firm Doosan Enpure has secured a competitively tendered ‘Design and Build’ contract, valued in excess of £20 million, with Severn Trent...

AD industry pays tribute to late Hugh Vaughan at awards dinner

The anaerobic digestion industry celebrated the life of one of its pioneers, Hugh Vaughan, at its annual AD & Biogas and Industry Awards on...
Flogas technical staff at the Widnes site.

Things to know about propane enrichment

Greg Brown of Flogas looks at how propane enrichment is used for injecting biogas into the gas grid - and explains why it's an...
The trend for sewage plants to add biomethane upgrading technology is ongoing.

Maximising the biomethane opportuities for sewage

Matt Hale of HRS Heat Exchangers on optimising the use of heat in the AD sector In the UK, the wastewater treatment sector has used...

Feedstock specialist claims first with productivity-optimised blend

Amur is addressing the anaerobic digestion market with the launch of a feedstock blended to a specification designed expressly to optimise productivity - a...