Viridor says UK needs serious debate on vital infrastructure

Viridor says the UK needs to move beyond the debate about the scale of the UK’s residual waste treatment capacity gap and start a...

It’s crunch time for infrastructure delivery, says CBI/AECOM survey

Three quarters of firms and public doubt any improvement this Parliament Despite the Government’s strong commitment to improving the UK’s infrastructure, both business and the...

Renewable heat legislation delay threatens climate goals, says AD trade group

Legislation on Renewable Heat Incentive delayed yet again due to Parliamentary backlog Government struggling to meet targets to decarbonise heat Further delay threatens building of AD...

London introduces world’s toughest emission standard

From 7am drivers of older, more polluting petrol and the dirtiest diesel vehicles will pay the new T-Charge plus the Congestion Charge

Security and skills the top concerns for companies investing in new technologies

CBI calls for joint commission in 2018 on impact of Artificial Intelligence Over the next five years, the top three technologies that are set to...

Nature is vital to beating climate change, finds new study

Nature could cost-effectively deliver over a third of greenhouse gas emissions reductions required to prevent dangerous levels of global warming - the equivalent of...

EU Finance Ministers declare carbon pricing key to low carbon economy

The European Union Economic and Financial Affairs Council (ECOFIN) has declared that carbon pricing is one of the policies and incentives needed to drive...

WWF investigation reveals surprising extent of river pollution from sewage in England and Wales

Around 40% of rivers in England and Wales are polluted with sewage, according to the results of a nine-month investigation released by WWF on...

Report calls for charge infrastructure strategy to accelerate shift to electric vehicles

Trade organisation says a rapid shift to electric vehicles is possible in the UK but a clear Government strategy on charging roll-out is needed The...

Observers respond to UK Government “Clean Growth Strategy” announcement

The UK Government has set out a new strategy that appears to outline how it will tackle climate change while driving economic growth. Announced on...

Geospatial and air quality data combine to provide tool for cyclists planning urban routes

A project combining Ordnance Survey (OS) geospatial data with real-time air quality data from EarthSense Systems is set to highlight clean cycle routes in...

Viewing deep shafts in the round cuts survey times and costs, reports drainage firm

Drainage specialist Lanes Group has used advanced camera survey technology to dramatically cut the cost, time and inconvenience to the public of surveying more...

UK must capitalise on “golden opportunity” to deliver future-fit infrastructure and build sustainability skills,...

Only half of Environment & Sustainability Professionals are confident those working on infrastructure projects have the right skills Sustainability Skills Charter being created to tackle...

Business leaders call for government to rebalance economy by supporting leaner, cleaner manufacturing

The British Chamber of Commerce, the TUC and the North West Business Leaders Team are among the UK business organisations which have joined with...

UK leads the G20 in clean growth, says PwC report

PwC analysis shows UK decarbonising at the fastest rate among G20 countries last year The UK is strongly outperforming its peers within the G20 according...

More than half of microplastics remain on land, says CIWEM report

Tiny plastic particles stay trapped on land and in freshwater environments, according to a study While plastics in the marine environment have received worldwide attention,...

Automated waste collection system to be installed in Seoul

Gangnam-Gu, Seoul’s third largest district, has chosen automated waste collection system (AWCS) firm Envac to install an underground system that will span 399,741 sq....

New RHI consultation risks further delay to crucial reforms, says ADBA

The Anaerobic Digestion & Bioresouces Association (ADBA) on 5 September stressed that BEIS’s new consultation on further amendments to the Renewable Heat Incentive (RHI)...

Ozone-linked respiratory deaths have been vastly underestimated, reveals new study

New research links long-term exposure to ozone air pollution with one million premature deaths per year due to respiratory diseases, which is more than...

Polystyrene promising in research that could reduce the costs of next-generation solar panels

Researchers from The University of Manchester are investigating the use of polystyrene particles rather than expensive polymers to make the next generation of solar...