£1.5 million funding for study to develop microbial organisms to digest plastic waste

A study to develop microbial organisms to digest plastic waste has been made possible following a £1.5million award from the ERA - Cobiotech programme of the European Union

Carlsberg moves a step closer to creating the world’s first ‘paper’ beer bottle

Danish brewer reveals research prototypes for the 'Green Fibre Bottle' – containing beer for the first time

Campaign aims to reduce and reuse Europe’s 2.5 million tonnes of plastic appearing in...

A project is calling for consumers to demand electronic and electrical products be made with recycled plastic, and for manufacturers to redesign products to both improve recyclability and integrate recycled plastics in new products

Take a stand and address single-use items and throwaway culture rather than just plastics,...

Zero Waste Scotland is warning that the current focus on plastics is distracting from the real issue of ending the disposable throwaway culture

AD and the UK’s net-zero emissions commitment: ADBA conference to discuss

ADBA’s flagship event returns in December 2019, "marking 10 years of ADBA and 10 years before the UK government must reduce emissions by 57%"

Environment directors urge Dutch government to rethink RDF import tax

A Local Government Association is calling on the Netherlands Government to think twice before levying a €32 per tonne tax on the import of Refuse Derived Fuel RDF

New partnership in waste pile management solutions

Equipment rental firm Ashtead Technology has been appointed as the exclusive distributor in the UK and Ireland for two innovative products that help waste...

New report says the building and construction sector can reach net zero carbon emissions...

Non-profit organisation’s report describes actions that would gear the buildings and construction sector towards a net zero future, through elimination of embodied carbon emissions As...

Viridor says it is cutting plastic waste exports

Viridor, the biggest UK-owned recycling company, has announced that all its recyclable plastic waste will be reprocessed in the UK from next year as...

Utility-university partnership to fine tune AD

A partnership between University of York researchers and Yorkshire Water (YW) will work to optimise next-generation anaerobic digestion (AD) facilities .

Blockchain set to transform quality assurance in the recycling market, suggests study

Blockchain technology will revolutionise the trade of recyclable materials by providing each part of the supply chain with vital data and assurance about the...

Industry first liquid bio methane offering

Flogas Britain – a major supplier of liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) and liquefied natural gas (LNG) – has added liquid biomethane (Bio-LNG) to its...

Resource recovery firm welcomes ‘all-in’ Deposit Return Scheme proposal

Proposals for an ‘all-in’ deposit return scheme (DRS) for drinks containers have been welcomed by Axion as a positive move to encourage people...

Reuse platform helps NHS Trust smash competition to win major award

The Royal Free London has seemingly smashed targets, saving £242,681 in 19 months and triumphing in the Reuse category of the NHS Sustainability Awards,...

UK households still stockpiling old gadgets, says Royal Society of Chemistry survey

UK households are continuing to stockpile electronic devices and failing to recycle them, it seems, with early August seeing the publication of the results...

PAS 110 Complacency? Time to raise the bar, says organic waste firm

As the Environment Agency begins to review its Quality Protocol’s (QPs), it is time, according to one technology provider, to raise the bar much...

Online parts retailer releases survey on consumer e-waste negligence, and launches appliance repair initiative

A survey of 5,000 UK householders has found that the majority of Brits don’t attempt to fix perfectly repairable appliances – creating thousands...

The net is closing for online non-compliance with legislation affecting recovery of electrical products

A new EU regulation means that online fulfilment houses will be required to take responsibility for compliance documentation, if there is no appointed...

Decommissioning in Shetland expands with the arrival of more North Sea structures

The Dales Voe decommissioning facility in Shetland is one step closer to becoming a centre of excellence for recycling offshore structures from the North...

AD experts join forces to give operators greater access to viable feedstocks

Two well-known service providers in the anaerobic digestion sector are joining forces with the aim of delivering greater access to rapid, more accurate testing. AD...