Latest learnings from the Water Action Platform

Assessing risk and determining responses to Covid-19 were major themes of the most recent Water Action Platform webinar which took place on 9 July....

Finnish utility trials asset investment planning software

Finnish multi-utility Alva is the first in Scandinavia to trial Ovarro’s PIONEER asset investment planning (AIP) software. The six-month trial, which started in May,...

No shortage of water as UK collects less than 2% of rainfall, insists GMB...

There is a shortage of investment to collect enough water to supply a growing population and have adequate stocks to cope with the periodic...
Eliquo Hydrok have added two new Mecana technologies to their existing Pile Cloth Media Filtration (PCMF) systems available for the UK Water and Wastewater markets.

Sponsored content: Introducing two new Mecana Systems in the UK

Eliquo Hydrok have added two new Mecana technologies to their existing Pile Cloth Media Filtration (PCMF) systems available for the UK Water and Wastewater markets

Bringing people together to deliver clean water in Tanzania

Situated in the mountains of north-western Tanzania, the rural district of Karagwe was once an influential kingdom where wealth was measured in cattle. While...
farm field

From field to faucet

Dr Akmez Nabeerasool, senior product manager at industrial water recycling specialist Arvia Technology, discusses advances in the post-treatment purification of water polluted by persistent traces of agrochemicals
pipes on wall

Partnership addresses potable priorities

As part of its National Disinfection Programme, Irish Water is investing over €65 million in the upgrade and standardisation of disinfection systems currently installed in over 864 public drinking water treatment plants, pumping stations and reservoirs.

“Solar Water ATMs” bring business model that could improve access to clean water in...

Access to clean water remains a significant problem in Africa, yet smartphones are widespread throughout the continent. Introducing mobile payment to solar-powered water purification...

Utility says water quality remains high with help of metaldehyde run-off reduction scheme

Severn Trent says its Farm to Tap scheme, which aims to mitigate the impact of pesticide run off on water quality, has seen its...

New film showcases solutions for Baltic Sea eutrophication

Launch of documentary on innovations for recycling nutrients from agriculture and wastewater A short film Sea of Opportunity, launched on 30 January, presents three innovative...

Glenfield Invicta merger

Move prioritises “clarity, service and growth” Glenfield and Invicta, two well-known and long-established brands in the water sector, have announced they are merging their operations...

Documentary conveys “a sense of hope and spirit of optimism for water”

The world’s first screening of the 50-minute documentary Brave Blue World, narrated by Liam Neeson, was met with "rapturous applause" at a blue carpet...

Low-energy desalination technology starts field tests in Palestine

New desalination system shows energy savings of 33-66% compared to existing systems, at recovery of 80%, says group, with recovery of up to 90%...

Study highlights the importance and vulnerability of the world’s water towers

Mountains and highlands are often referred to as natural “water towers” because they provide lowland communities with essential freshwater for drinking, irrigation, industry, food,...

Two new techs to combat Baltic eutrophication get pre-commercialization boost

Testing has started on BioPhree® and TerraNova® Ultra, which aim to stop waste phosphorus reaching the sea and recycle it as agricultural fertilizer, in...

Inspirational water documentary premieres in Los Angeles

· Brave Blue World premiere announced · Innovators reveal an optimistic future for water · Actor Matt Damon and activist Jaden Smith feature One year ago, a...

Research reveals key protein molecules associated with the water purification properties of Moringa seeds

· One in three people cannot access clean drinking water. Moringa seed extracts have been used for centuries to help purify water in regions...

Utility restores 150-year-old reservoir

In October Anglian Water engineers concluded the inspection of the Sultzer Reservoir

Unravelling the water quality paradox

A complex water quality challenge is on the horizon for utilities as more becomes known about micro-pollutants, customers acquire the means to carry out analysis at the kitchen tap and the downward pressure on cost remains. BlueTech Research chief executive Paul O'Callaghan captures viewpoints from industry leaders in the field

Siemens equips desalination plants in Saudi Arabia with process automation

Siemens has received a follow-up order from the A3C consortium (Rawafid Industrial, Advanced Water Technology, SETE and Al Fatah) to equip eight seawater desalination...