Gas sampling probes for every application

Gas sampling specialist JCT is offering a complete portfolio of gas sampling probes with a new set of technical brochures available on the company’s...

Laboratory-accuracy aerosol measurement

A UK applied science company has developed a seemingly ground-breaking new portable air particle sampling technology that promises a wide range of scientific and...

Call for papers on air quality and emissions

AQE 2017, the international Air Quality and Emissions conference (Telford, UK, 24th & 25th May) has issued a call for Papers on emissions monitoring...

Anatomy of a particulate monitor: The Fidas 200 explained

Palas, the German manufacturer of particulate monitoring instruments, says it is expanding production to cope with demand for its fine particulate monitor, the Fidas®...

Study appears to establish link between traffic pollution and childhood asthma

There is now sufficient evidence to link traffic pollution to the development of childhood asthma, according to a study carried out by the University...

UK Government loses second court action in 18 months over failure to tackle air...

The High Court has ruled that the UK Government is not doing enough to tackle air pollution, the second ruling to that effect made...

Air-cleaning, IoT-enabled “tree” picks up circular economy award in Berlin

An air-cleaning moss installation for urban areas picked up the Green Alley Award in Berlin on 27 October, which recognises innovative start-up companies working...

Enhanced guidance in new EEA emission inventory guidebook

The European Monitoring and Evaluation Programme (EMEP) and European Environment Agency (EEA) have published an updated version of the EMEP/EEA air pollutant emission inventory...

Serious pollution and emissions cut at regulated sites, says EA

Serious pollution incidents across England have fallen by 56% since 2000 thanks to the work of Environment Agency and its partners, reports out on...

Joint venture combines satellite data gathering and sensor expertise

EarthSense Systems, a new joint venture between aerial mapping company Bluesky and the University of Leicester, is focused on producing innovations in air quality...

Intuitive flowmeter

US air sampling technology firm SKC is offering the Chek-mate flowmeter, said to be an easy to use differential pressure flowmeter for calibrating air...

Rugged and simple multiparameter meter

INDOOR air quality instrumentation expert GrayWolf Sensing Solutions has introduced the AdvancedSense BE, described as a rugged, simple-to-use, multi-parameter environmental meter. This purpose-built instrument...

Time to go into emergency mode?

As the quality of the air we breathe climbs the agenda as a public health concern - a "public health emergency", no less, in...

Gridded filters assist with asbestos count

US laboratory equipment supplier Environmental Express is offering gridded MCE filter membranes to address various sample collection and analysis needs, especially airborne asbestos fibre...

Continuous PM reading with compact unit

The Fidas® Frog is a compact fine dust monitor with a detachable control panel for indoor and workplace exposure measurements. Available from instrumentation firm Palas,...

Fifteen years on, the dust has still to settle

The estimated 1,000 tons of asbestos-rich dust released in the collapse of the World Trade Centre has the potential to claim more lives says...

Flue gas system improves treatment of gas from incinerators, says supplier

Lührfilter has recently commissioned a flue gas treatment system for Mastermelt Refining Services, based in Derbyshire. The system currently treats the flue gases from...

Gas alarm system protects waste treatment staff

A chemical waste treatment plant in the UK has installed a monitoring and alarm system to generate alerts when hydrogen sulphide concentrations reach levels...

SEPA enquiry at Nigg treatment works

SEPA has launched a public enquiry into operational activities at Nigg Waste Water Treatment Works in the Torry area of Aberdeen, it was reported...

Gas analysers support management of Swindon fire

GAS monitoring specialist Gasmet reviews some of the considerations behind the decision to establish an Air Quality Cell (AQC), and looks at some of...