US retail giant signs energy storage deal

San Francisco-based startup Advanced Microgrid Solutions (AMS) has been selected by Walmart to install its advanced energy storage systems at a number of the...

New SCADA platform claimed to offer verifiable energy savings

Paul Hurst, Director at Products4Automation, a SCADA expert and exclusive distributor of Progea products in the UK, explores Pro Energy.NExT and its benefits to...

Seminar to explore reducing energy costs in plastics manufacturing

BPF Energy is hosting a seminar providing a complete look at energy management in plastics manufacturing facilities, to explore ways of cutting costs. The...

Cloud-based energy aggregation and battery waste innovators pick up low carbon funding awards for...

A cloud-based energy aggregation service has picked up the Shell Springboard and Shell LiveWIRE awards, securing £180,000 of equity free funding. Another award went...

Renewables cut Europe’s carbon emissions by 10% in 2015, says EEA report

Increasing use of renewables is translating directly into cuts in fossil fuel consumption in Europe, according to a report released on 4 April by...

Northern Ireland energy storage project awarded €90 million EU grant

Irish renewable energy firm Gaelectric announced on 2 April that the European Union has awarded a €90 million grant for works under the Connecting...

Nottingham University Lab scores a carbon neutral first for the UK, with top BREEAM...

Nottingham University’s recently opened GSK Carbon Neutral Laboratories for Sustainable Chemistry has achieved BREEAM Outstanding and LEED Platinum certifications. It is seemingly one of...

Smart meters often give false readings, study shows

Some electricity meters are prone to giving false readings – up to almost six times higher than the actual energy consumed, according to a...

Monitoring power factor for effective energy management

The ability to monitor power factor (PF) can be useful in planning and implementing energy saving initiatives in high consumption facilities, says data logger...

“Remove barriers for energy storage” solar trade body asks

Responding to Ofgem’s call for evidence on A Smart, Flexible Energy System, which closed on 12 January, the Solar Trade Association (STA) has called...

Businesses in Scotland: energy inefficiency is having a significant impact on the bottom line

• Businesses are wasting around £19,000 on average each year through energy inefficiency. • The Scottish Government is offering interest free, unsecured loans to businesses...

Awards pay tribute to energy professionals’ ingenuity

Over 200 energy industry senior executives joined former swimming champion and host Mark Foster in congratulating the winners of the 2016 Energy Institute (EI)...

Future of pumped storage hydro analysed in new report

20 benefits of technology highlighted – along with challenges and solutions A new report outlining the investment case for pumped storage hydro has set out...

No need to dump diesel: Report calls for balance when appraising energy supply for...

A new report challenges current perceptions on the use of diesel generators in STOR and related capacity market schemes. Aimed at supporting utilities organisations...

Battery storage firms win National Grid tender to provide grid balancing technology

Seemingly an important boost for the development of technologies to help with balancing services for the electrical grid, National Grid announced on 26 August...

Myths steering English business toward £1billion fleet losses

Misconceptions about fleet management creating unnecessary costs Hundreds of thousands of English businesses could be wasting £1billion every year simply because of misconceptions about how...

New report sets out blueprint for investment in energy storage

A report published today on 14 July will for the first time decode complex market opportunities for UK energy storage and explain what is...

New monster campaign aims to take a bite out of businesses’ overheads

Resource Efficient Scotland, a programme of Scottish Government-backed Zero Waste Scotland, has launched a new campaign to help organisations beat the monsters that are...

New online qualification in energy management

The Energy Institute (EI), the chartered professional membership body for the global energy sector, now offers a new online qualification in energy management. Level...

Green initiatives cut self­-storage business’s energy costs by 75%

London ­based Space Station has successfully reduced its energy costs by 75% through a £550,000 investment in new green initiatives. Implemented as part of a...