Government set to license fishing vessels for continued bottom trawling in UK Marine Protected...

The UK Government is about to issue over 1,000 fishing licenses for EU and UK fishing vessels for 2022, it was announced on 16...

Plans drawn up for ‘hydrogen town’ in Lincolnshire

The Humber could be the location for one of the world’s first low carbon Hydrogen towns within the decade, following the announcement of plans...

Not-so-fast fashion? Captured carbon incorporated in fabric of Zara dress range

A collaboration between biotech firm LanzaTech and Spanish clothing retailer Inditex has led to the design of a capsule collection for the latter’s largest...

Subsidies to biomass plant in Teesside must be stopped says environmental coalition

On the day that MGT Teesside misses its latest deadline to begin operations (10 December), the Cut Carbon Not Forests (CCNF) coalition warns the...

Beyond the bale: Viridor unveils plan to eliminate waste plastic exports

Recycling and resource management firm Viridor has unveiled its "Vision for Zero" - a plan to reduce (to zero) the amount of plastic waste...

COP26 must launch a reinvigorated UK effort on climate change, says CCC

A new independent assessment of COP26 and the critical next steps for the UK was published on 2 December by the Climate Change Committee...

“Top down governance is flawed”, says report on local government and net zero

New research from UK100 contains a stark warning from two major UK business leaders that the current model of ‘top down’ climate governance is...

Observers reflect on a disappointing COP26

COP26 concluded on 13 November amidst widespread disappointment from environmental commentators about a lack of significant progress on the promises made in Paris in...

A clean ocean by 2030: UN panel charts “the most direct course”

Experts’ “Clean Ocean Manifesto” includes an integrated ocean debris observing system Reducing marine debris by 50-90% and introducing a system of globally-distributed hi-tech monitors are...
Phone tower in city

How green is 5G?

A panoply of dazzling new IoT applications is a given, it would seem, with all the potential benefits one might expect from a step-change in wireless connectivity. But what about the environmental footprint? Sally Beare writes.

Time for adaptation?

"The Glasgow COP is going to fail us," writes Rupert Read in one of the essays in a new collection, Climate Adaptation. Speaking at the launch of the book in Glasgow on 30 October, he shared some of his views on the measures that might constitute a successful COP, or a not-entirely-disastrous-one, at least.

“The end of the fossil fuel era” may be in sight following COP pledge

The end of the fossil fuel era appeared to have come a significant step closer with the signing of a joint commitment to phase...

Ocean change is exacerbating the climate crisis

New scientific paper says we will not reach Paris Agreement without urgent ocean action A scientific paper published in the peer review Journal, Aquatic Conservation...

New report: what investors need to know to accelerate green transition in climate intensive...

In a new report from Stockholm Sustainable Finance Centre, sustainability experts give an overview of what they believe is required to achieve net zero...

SEPA cyber-attack ‘displayed significant stealth and malicious sophistication’

The December 2020 cyber-attack against the Scottish Environment Protection Agency (SEPA) ‘displayed significant stealth and malicious sophistication’ according to a series of independent audits...

Updated climate commitments ahead of COP26 summit fall far short, but net zero pledges...

New and updated climate commitments fall far short of what is needed to meet the goals of the Paris Agreement, leaving the world on...

Government not sufficiently grappling with skills gap in relation to net zero

Inconsistent Government policy on green jobs and a knowledge-gap in necessary skills are resulting in missed opportunities, the Environmental Audit Committee warns In its...

Turning e-waste into gold: The Royal Mint brings precious metal recovery technology to the...

The Royal Mint has signed an agreement with Canadian clean tech start up Excir to introduce a seemingly world first technology to the UK,...

Greater action required to prevent irreversible outcomes for farming

Farming needs to urgently scale and pace the adoption of nature-based solutions for addressing climate change and biodiversity loss or face an uncertain future,...

Small businesses contribute a third of UK emissions, but are laggards in the net...

Smaller businesses account for almost a third (30%) of all current UK greenhouse gas emissions (including emissions from households, industry and government) and around...