Modular controller simplifies water treatment in cooling towers

The use of cooling towers is widespread across many industries and the water treatment process within these systems performs a crucial role which needs...

Closing the net on a coastal problem via innovative remanufacturing

Ramon Arratia, Sustainability Director at carpet tile manufacturer Interface, shares his own company’s experience of reusing waste products, via an innovative third-world project. To create...

New monitoring network for Scottish ports

Historically, ferry masters operating off the west coast of Scotland would have to sail to a port and on arrival visually assess the weather...

Inefficient stripping out is “wasted opportunity”, says firm

A “golden opportunity” to maximise economic value from waste diverted from landfill, save money and reduce the environment impact is being spurned due to...

UK technology could make sprays cleaner and greener

A breakthrough in spray-valve technology by a British company could see millions of tonnes of highly flammable liquid gases and other volatile chemicals taken...

True grit solutions gain traction

Wastewater solutions and services provider Jacopa is reporting increasing interest in grit removal solutions as water service companies seek to leverage the resources that...

Sealing up the cracks in security

The UK’s drinking water is at far too great a risk from potential contamination of supply by terrorists, with current systems simply not quick...

Mott MacDonald working on AU$50 million sewerage treatment plant upgrade, Papua New Guinea

Mott MacDonald has begun preparing the detailed design of the solids management component of a new sewerage treatment plant in Port Moresby, Papua New...

Reduce, re-use, recycle and regulate – the key to tackling our global food waste...

Philip Simpson of ReFood discusses the latest WRAP report on the cost of food waste and argues that a comprehensive strategy of reduction, recycling...

Sunset for UK subsidies?

JULY’S budget saw the first retrospective cut to renewable subsidies yet seen in the UK, in the shape of the chancellor’s decision to remove...

UK land use map reveals large-scale changes

Large-scale changes to the environment of the UK, including an apparent loss of habitats and agricultural land, have been revealed in an updated national...

DECC grant for heat networks advocate

EXETER-based renewable energy firm Zero has received a £378,780 development grant from DECC to support its work in promoting the uptake of heat networks...

Caution over infrastructure cuts

Engineers have urged Government to “act with caution” when making spending cuts in areas such as flood risk management, that could impact on the resilience...

Pressure-based BOD measurement updated for labs and treatment plants

WATER analysis specialist Lovibond Tintometer has announced its latest instrument for BOD measurement for wastewater samples. Measurement employs the manometric method. Manometric respirometers relate...

Database promises to speed water screening

A public database developed by German water screening specialists promises to make it easier and faster for screening laboratories to identify unknown molecules in...

Vortex bioreactor promises low cost sterilisation of wastewater

A low cost means of sterilising waste water has been developed by researchers at Plymouth Marine Laboratory (PML), the work being published in the...

Rooting out vulnerabilities in the sewer infrastructure

An aerial map of trees is helping to understand the damage caused to underground drains and sewers by tree roots, according to UK-based aerial...

High street brands pledge to phase out microbeads

A large number of UK retailers have pledged to phase out plastic microbeads from own-brand cosmetic and beauty products, conservation charity Fauna & Flora...

Going underground: Innovative DAF system supports stylish exterior in Swansea

Wastewater technology and services expert Jacopa has completed the £2.5m design and installation of a DAF system for Dŵr Cymru Welsh Water’s landmark Swansea...

Animation explains biogas analyser

BIOGAS instrumentation manufacturer Geotech has produced a short animation to showcase the features of its latest GA3000+ biogas and landfill analyser. The system allows...