(above) A report from the Low-Carbon Mobility project, an update on which will be presented at Pollutec in Lyon (below).

Solutions for the sustainable city

THIS year's Pollutec conference and exhibition will once again have a major focus on 'the sustainable city'. It takes place at Lyon Eurexpo, Lyon,...

Tech awards

THE Cleantech Innovate 2015 awards have announced a 36-strong shortlist of finalists who will compete for a cash prize in London on 12 February...

Legal challenge

LAW firm Slaughter & May has won the Legal Sector Alliance Award for Excellence in Environmental Responsibility at the Law Society Excellence Awards, said...

Fire film remover

A new product has been developed that captures dangerous perfluorochemicals (PFCs) left behind by firefighting extinguishers. Scientists from South Australia have converted ground clay...

Impact assessment

The UK’s first on-line service to search and report on the cumulative visual impact of onshore wind turbines has been developed by Linknode. Launched...

Climate fix fund

A researcher at Robert Gordon University (RGU) has won funding for an event exploring technological solutions for combatting the risks of climate change on...

Funding for invention

ON 5 November Vince Cable announced £67m of funding to support British inventors who want to turn their ideas into commercial products. Innovate UK,...

New advanced plastics recycling facility in Kent

RECYCLING company Viridor welcomed The Mayor of Medway Councillor Barry Kemp to its new Plastics Recycling Facility (PRF) in Rochester on 7 November. The...
Equipment manufacturers could show more willingness to take an ownership role for end-of-life products, suggested one recovery specialist.

Taking the WEEE: Recycling IT

A panel discussion at the Resource & Waste Management show in September looked at progress and challenges with recycling materials recovered from electronic equipment THERE...

Circularity gains business traction

Moving to a circular business model can boost the bottom line. There is now much discussion and debate as to the best way to...
The latest revisions threaten hopes that the industry might adhere to the kind of best-practice guidelines for SuDS implementation showcased by the likes of Grainger's homes development in Berewood last year.

Warning of SuDS policy fudge

A RADICALLY-revised system for regulating SuDS implementation on new developments is in danger of becoming a ‘fudge’ and a ‘free-for-all’ that could jeopardise effective...

Grant for AD-boosting microwave hydrolysis work

Environmental Consultancy Aqua Enviro has been given a £100,000 government grant for r&d which could help businesses cut waste costs and generate renewable energy. Yorkshire...

Biogas boost expected from M&S endorsement

A major boost to the UK’s anaerobic digestion (AD) & biogas industry is expected to follow M&S’s decision in early September to purchase 35,000...

Satellite data certifies biomass

BIOMASS and bioenergy firms required to certify the origin and sustainability of wood biomass will soon have access to more accurate data to support...

Getting in a Pickle over waste and recycling

A combative Q&A session followed Eric Pickles presentation to the RWM show at the Birmingham NEC on 17 September. The Secretary of State for...

Fortunes ebb and flow for UK tidal power

TIDAL power equipment supplier Atlantis Resources was awarded a £7.5 million two-year contract in late August to support further development of the MeyGen tidal...

Aerated wetland investment in Fife

SCOTTISH Water’s commitment to deliver a cleaner and fresher environment, and improve the local watercourses across Cowdenbeath, has taken one step further following its...

Turkey publishes Cities Adaptation Support Package

THE Turkish Ministry of Environment and Urbanisation has published a new Cities Adaptation Support Package that has been prepared by environmental consultancy Ricardo-AEA. The Support...

Flood protection drones approved

THE use of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) to help combat the threat of flooding has been given the official go-ahead to operate on a...

A sobering but hopeful guide to energy efficiency

THIS book is primarily aimed at those in the property and construction sectors, a contribution to boosting energy- and carbon-literacy for those who find...