Government backs Big Data trial on district heat networks

Advanced algorithms could be used to dramatically improve the energy efficiency of district heat networks, according to a proposal submitted to DECC by smart...

Breakthrough in monitoring of deep sea ecosystems

SCIENTISTS at the National Oceanography Centre (NOC) have used advanced photographic tools in an unmanned Autonomous Underwater Vehicle (AUV) to make major advances in...

Water mentor wins funding

DEFRA has granted funding of £150k to a business network that is aimed at helping firms manage their water issues more effectively. The group,...
Skyline of the Bund waterfront area in Shanghai: China is investing heavily in renewables.

Investment hits new high

RENEWABLE energy investment increased for the first time in three years in 2014, totaling $310 billion and nearly surpassing the all-time high set in...
Lodge Farm Biogas

North Wales AD plant is first to obtain ABP approval

LODGE Farm Biogas Limited, whose farm is home to Fre-energy’s first Anaerobic Digestion (AD) plant, has become the first on-farm AD facility to have...
(L to r) Kirsty MacArthur, Mark Trinder, Bob Furness, David MacArthur.

Top award for wildlife consultancy

MACARTHUR Green, the ecological consultancy which provided key seabird advice for the £3bn Beatrice Offshore Wind Farm, has won the Judges Award at the...
Mark Steadman of Tullis Russell.

Premium paper maker lifts green energy gong

EMPLOYEE-owned premium paper and board producer Tullis Russell picked up the award in the Renewing Scotland category at December's Scottish Green Energy Awards in...
The SLD de-silter has an 18in access hatch at the bottom of the unit, so it doesn't need to be moved or tipped over to clean it. A stackable heavy-duty box frame surrounds the unit.

De-silter gives easy access

SLD Pumps and Power has introduced "an innovative de-silting settlement tank technology" to its hire fleet. The de-silter has been introduced to help reduce...
Labour has reversed a 2013 pledge to ban food waste to landfill.

Stepping up to the plate

The drive to reduce food waste looks likely to become more intense as the UK seeks to meet its commitment to halve it by...
Spills, environment, Envirotec magazine,

Better spill containment

AVAILABLE from Newpark Mats and Integrated Services (NMIS), the Dura-Base® Defender™ liner-less spill containment system is claimed as a break-through in spill protection technology....

CDM 2015 draft guidance now available

SUBJECT to Parliamentary approval, new Construction (Design and Management) Regulations 2015 (CDM 2015) will come into force on 6 April 2015, according to a...
The insistence on blemish-free produce leads to unnecessary waste.

Much to chew on at cleantech panel session

A panel of experts gathered in Edinburgh in December to discuss the topic "Cleantech: The key ingredient for a sustainable food and drink industry?"...
Its innovative solids-processing system was a factor in Nestlé's selection of Clearfleau.

The sweet taste of success

INDUSTRIAL AD systems supplier Clearfleau has revealed energy output results for its plant built for global food and beverage supplier Nestlé, one year after...

EU project boosts real-time monitoring of chemical pollutants in water

Even low levels of pollutants like pharmaceuticals can pose a significant threat to marine wildlife, so there is much to gain from their detection...

Animation showcases biogas analyser

Instrumentation specialist Geotech has produced an online animation to publicise its BIOGAS 5000 portable analyser, showing how the device can be used in applications...

Analyzing waste gases during simulated Mars mission

NASA's Anne Caraccio uses the portable gas analyser outside the experimental 'habitat', a task intended to help evaluate the suitability of waste off-gases for...

Remanufacturing reloaded?

October funding announcements suggest new interest in researching the repair and restoration of end-of-life products A series of remanufacturing announcements in October hinted at a...
Solar cells will continue to get cheaper and more efficient as the technology is developed.

Solar electricity dominance on the horizon, say reports

SOLAR electricity is closing in on cost parity with that generated from fossil fuels and conventional power stations, according to a report released in...

New ICE head calls for vision in handling infrastructure challenges

IF the engineering community is to rise to the challenges presented by global concerns such as climate change, population growth and resource depletion, it...
A view along the Loddon River through Old Basing, Basingstoke.

Canal monitoring marks IoT first

SMART water systems start-up Aquamatix appears to be one of the first off the mark with a commercial application of the 'internet of things'...