Sponsored story: Wastewater treatment media moves to pilot plant trials

Warden Biomedia’s moving bed biofilm reactor (MBBR) media, which is being designed to give enhanced nutrient removal to meet the challenges of AMP7, is currently being tested at Cranfield University’s National Research Facility for Water and Wastewater Treatment

Management and maintenance of effluent and discharge in railway depots

Trade effluent and wastewater discharge in railway depots can be a costly necessity which, if not managed and monitored correctly, can have a detrimental...

Water recycling technology delivers cash savings

A next-generation water recycling system, unveiled by water infrastructure systems specialist SDS, will seemingly boost business sector efforts to save water by offering significantly...

Actuator manufacturer makes a case for hydraulic systems in water industry

A British manufacturer is hoping to convince the water industry of the case to be made for alternative actuator technologies, highlighting innovations of its...

Global study of 48 cities finds nature sanitizes 41.7 million tons of human waste...

The first global-scale assessment of the role ecosystems play in providing sanitation appears to find that nature provides at least 18% of sanitation services...

Sponsored Content: Improving control and yield in gravity thickeners

Instrumentation firm VEGA Controls looks at performance issues that can arise with an aspect of automation that is a popular fixture in the water...

“The poop doesn’t lie”

It’s been a confusing year for anyone wanting to gain a clear picture of the prevalence of the virus SARS-Cov-2, and the dangers it presents.

Sponsored content: Non-invasive clamp-on flow measurement of sludge lines

Flow measurement expert Katronic's ultrasonic clamp-on flowmeters measure 16 RAS/SAS (returned/surplus activated sludge) lines in pipes up to 85 years old, in a large...

Sponsored content: 80GHz radar level sensors are compact and low cost

VEGA introduces the latest FMCW 80 GHz non-contact radar level technology for the water industry – using their very own radar level microchip, to deliver excellent performance and a low price that represents a real alternative to ultrasonic level sensors

Sponsored content: Brazil plant chooses TS

Six Valmet Total Solids Measurement (Valmet TS) systems will be supplied as part of the delivery by SUEZ Water Technologies & Solutions of water and wastewater treatment plants to Klabin’s Puma II project in Brazil.

Offsite manufacturing’s moment?

Given the ever more exacting compliance and efficiency pressures being felt by water firms, the 2020-2025 investment cycle could be a time for offsite manufacturing to demonstrate all the benefits it can bring

Explosion prompts risk review

The incident occurred on 3 December 2020, at about 11:20am, and appears to have involved the explosion of a silo containing biosolids at a sewage treatment and food waste site operated by GENeco, a subsidiary of Wessex Water

Meeting ammonia targets with MABR

Severn Trent Water has installed SUEZ’s ZeeLung* Membrane Aerated Biofilm Reactor (MABR) technology at its Spernal sewage treatment works in Redditch.

Pioneering projects celebrated by foundation behind water documentary

Organisations that have embraced innovation to protect and enhance water supplies have been recognised for their pioneering work by the foundation behind the recent...

Biosolids and Bioresources virtual event presents an update on the latest technology

The 2020 European Biosolids and Bioresources Conference is taking place online, on 24 and 25 November, organised by environmental consultancy Aqua Enviro. Keynote speakers include...

Goodbye to decaying deposits and blocked pumps? Ensuring the clean operation of municipal stormwater...

The use of air supply through injectors slows the rate at which odour and decay develop in a wastewater application, as German pumps and...

Summer sludge milestone as UK’s largest MABR installed at Severn Trent site

July seemingly marked a milestone for wastewater treatment in the UK, with the installation of 10 OxyMem membrane aerated biofilm reactor (MABR) modules from...

Consultancy awarded the contract for COVID-19 school sewage surveillance

Aqua Enviro, a SUEZ company, is to be part of a consortium on an important new project, known as TERM*, that is looking for...

Wastewater requires additional treatment to reduce spread of novel coronavirus according to Israeli study

Wastewater must be further treated to minimize the risk of dissemination and infection of SARS-CoV-2, according to Ben-Gurion University of the Negev (BGU) researchers,...

Case study: Designing bespoke analytical trailers to measure wastewater

The need for a bespoke monitoring system led utility firm Northumbrian Water to the development of a pair of towable trailers equipped with analytical...