New online qualification in energy management

The Energy Institute (EI), the chartered professional membership body for the global energy sector, now offers a new online qualification in energy management. Level...

Report aims to encourage food waste recycling in London

A report and campaign, launched on 7 July, aim to put pressure on London councils to improve recycling rates and food waste separation in...

UK is home to first ever global biogas awards

Biogas projects from as far afield as Australia, Denmark, Turkey and Holland were celebrated at "the first ever global AD & Biogas Industry Awards"...

Flue gas system improves treatment of gas from incinerators, says supplier

Lührfilter has recently commissioned a flue gas treatment system for Mastermelt Refining Services, based in Derbyshire. The system currently treats the flue gases from...

Best practice scheme launched at AD & Biogas 2016

ADBA has today published three ‘checklists’ as the first step towards a comprehensive Best Practice Scheme for the anaerobic digestion sector. The scheme is...

UK biogas grows 30% in a year, says report

Almost a third more biogas energy is being produced in the UK compared to this time last year, according to new figures from industry...

Ricardo and Recycling Technologies to characterise plastic waste derived clean fuel

Swindon-based start-up Recycling Technologies' Plaxx fuel is created from residual mixed plastic waste that is not amenable to direct recycling and would otherwise go...

Optimising engines for biogas

Jarmo Vihersalo of ExxonMobil offers an overview of biogas generation, and some thoughts on running engines to optimise performance, an area where his own...

Coral reef symposium in London concludes ‘reef protection is not enough’

A report from a symposium held in London on 29 June ‘Rethinking the Future of Coral Reefs’ was the theme of a symposium at St....

Innovation award for rotor sail suggests coming-of-age for wind power in marine vessel propulsion

Norsepower Oy, a developer of the renewable energy-powered vessel technology, has announced that it has received the ‘Innovation of the Year’ accolade at the...

Five ways to boost boiler house efficiency

With budget constraints and an ever increasing pressure to reduce carbon emissions, the need to enhance productivity, cut maintenance workloads and improve system safety...

Shipping must prepare for stricter black carbon emission regulations while Finnish group unveils improvements...

A collaborative research project, "Shipping Emissions in the Arctic", aims to make the measurement of black carbon emissions from shipping more reliable. Combining contributions...

Water wash monitoring system is installed on a major bulk carrier

Chelsea Technologies Group has installed an improved version of its Sea Sentry wash water monitoring system on board a major bulk carrier, to monitor...

Report highlights possible greater role for circular economy in CO2 reduction

A study commissioned by the Netherlands Institute for Sustainable Packaging (KIDV), and conducted by the Dutch research institute CE Delft, appears to reveal the...

Scottish street lighting programme in the spotlight

A Scottish LED street lighting replacement programme, forecast to deliver electricity and maintenance cost savings of £1.2bn over the next 20 years whilst saving...

A belt and braces approach to H2S

Gas monitoring expert a1-cbiss offers a few thoughts on hydrogen sulphide emissions: The problems they present, how best to monitor them, and how such...

Newly sequenced genomes of soil bacteria may help work the land more effectively

Newly sequenced genomes of soil bacteria in the group Bradyrhizobium help researchers to understand its effects beyond soil. Soils are teeming with bacteria whose effects...

Time-lapse footage shows windmill construction at RSPB headquarters

Ecotricity has released a time-lapse video and documentary to mark the completion of a 100m windmill at the RSPB’s headquarters near Sandy in Bedfordshire. The...

Building a world class AD industry

Charlotte Morton, chief executive of the Anaerobic Digestion & Bioresources Association (ADBA) offers a few thoughts on the UK AD sector ahead of the...

Better the dEUvil you know?

Dr Kerry Ashford, Chief Executive of the National Energy Foundation, offers a few thoughts on the EU referendum and its implications for energy and...