Innovation in a time of uncertainty

THIS year’s British Hydropower Association conference (10-11 November, Glasgow) takes place against a backdrop of considerable uncertainty for the sector following the government's publication...

Air quality professionals invited to enter awards

ENTRIES are open for the first ever National Air Quality Awards, celebrating the UK’s best air quality initiatives, campaigns and innovations. Organised by, with...

Open dumps present global risk

A new report quantifies the scale of the global health emergency presented by open dump sites, declaring that the problem is escalating in seriousness....

Discrete package treatment installed at English distillery

Converted from a renovated 1850s model farm, The Lakes Distillery on the banks of Lake Bassenthwaite is in one of the most outstanding landscapes...

“It never rains but it pours” is truer than ever in Scotland, confirms research...

In Scotland the rain on heavy rainfall days has increased by over 50% - one of the findings of the study. Just looking out...

Kilkenny membrane bioreactor expansion still provides “outstanding quality” effluent, 15 years on

A submerged membrane treatment plant installed by wastewater treatment experts Jacopa is still providing outstanding treated water quality for the Glanbia dairy in Kilkenny,...

“Waste-to-wheels” projects win £25m from UK government

Three firms will share in a £25m prize from the Department of Transport, aimed at helping develop greener fuel technology and boosting local industry. The...

New book: How to Produce a Sustainability Report

The book How To Produce a Sustainability Report is now available from Do Sustainability, providing a step-by-step guide to the constituent practices and processes...

£4.28 million flood defences go underground, overground in London parks

A £4.28m award-winning flood defence project in Southwark, South London, is combining above and below-ground temporary flood storage to create a pioneering solution at...

“Smog-free tower” opens in Rotterdam

The Smog Free Tower uses an electromagnetic field to attract and collect smog particles BILLED as “the world’s first smog-free tower”, a building in Rotterdam’s...

Pollution dispersion in cities improved by trees, study finds

Trees in cities throughout the UK could be significantly improving the quality of the air we breathe by decreasing pollution levels for pedestrians, researchers...

Feed-in tariff review slashes support for renewables

On 27 August the Government announced a series of proposals to control the costs of the feed-in tariff (FIT) scheme for small scale renewable...

Third round of Quarry Life Award gets underway

Hanson UK has launched the third round of its biennial biodiversity research competition, the Quarry Life Award. The competition is run by Hanson’s parent company...

“Water man of India” comes to Rabbit Ings Country Park

A world-renowned water conservationist has visited Rabbit Ings Country Park near Barnsley to study an innovative water restoration project in the Dearne Valley. Rajendra Singh,...

Micro-hydropower electricity generation could save the water industry millions, says study

New research findings from Bangor University and Trinity College Dublin have highlighted the potential for further cost savings from micro-hydropower. Savings of up to...

Viridor ERF contract with Merseyside Recycling and Waste Authority

Merseyside’s local economy received a boost last month as operations started on a new residual waste contract between leading UK waste management company Viridor...

UK jellyfish numbers continue to swell

A leading marine charity in the UK says 2015 has been another bumper year for jellyfish sightings in the country's seas, and says the...

Heat conference to explore role of heat in a changing world

The first speakers have been announced for the Heat 2015 conference, taking place in Central London on Wednesday 25 November. Organised by the Association...

Bat technology sounds out sewer problems

Lanes Group says it has become the first wastewater network contractor in the UK to commercially deploy pipe inspection technology that uses sound to...

Micro-sized sensor highlights progress towards gas detection on mobile devices

VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland has developed a miniature gas sensor that can be connected to mobile devices. Gas measurements made with smartphones...